
How to initialize an associative array from an object?

本文关键字:关联 数组 初始化 对象      更新时间:2023-09-26


 this.themes = [
       name: 'Material Teal', 
       colors: {
          'primary': { default: [ 0,  150, 136], a100: [167, 255, 237], a200: [100, 255, 218], a400: [ 29, 233, 182], a700: [  0, 191, 165] },
          'accent' : { default: [103,  58, 183], a100: [179, 136, 255], a200: [124,  77, 255], a400: [101,  31, 255], a700: [ 98,   0, 234] },
          'warn'   : { default: [244,  67,  54], a100: [255, 138, 128], a200: [255,  82,  82], a400: [255,  23,  68], a700: [213,   0,   0] }

export class Theme {
   name: string;
   colors: { [intention: string]: { default: number[], a100: number[], a200: number[], a400: number[], a700: number[] } };
   constructor(name: string, colors: { [intention: string]: { default: number[], a100: number[], a200: number[], a400: number[], a700: number[] } }) {
      this.name = name;
      this.colors = colors;


let theme = new Theme(theme.name, theme.colors);


[ts] Argument of type '{ 'primary': { default: number[]; a100: number[]; a200: number[]; a400: number[]; a700: number[];...' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ [intention: string]: { default: number[]; a100: number[]; a200: number[]; a400: number[]; a700:...'.
Index signature is missing in type '{ 'primary': { default: number[]; a100: number[]; a200: number[]; a400: number[]; a700: number[];...'.



    name: string;
    colors: { [name: string]: {
        default: number[];
        a100: number[];
        a200: number[];
        a400: number[];
        a700: number[];


interface ThemeColor {
    default: number[];
    a100: number[];
    a200: number[];
    a400: number[];
    a700: number[];
interface ThemeColors {
    [name: string]: ThemeColor;
interface Theme {
    name: string;
    colors: ThemeColors;
let themes: Theme[] = [
       name: 'Material Teal', 
       colors: {
          'primary': { default: [ 0,  150, 136], a100: [167, 255, 237], a200: [100, 255, 218], a400: [ 29, 233, 182], a700: [  0, 191, 165] },
          'accent' : { default: [103,  58, 183], a100: [179, 136, 255], a200: [124,  77, 255], a400: [101,  31, 255], a700: [ 98,   0, 234] },
          'warn'   : { default: [244,  67,  54], a100: [255, 138, 128], a200: [255,  82,  82], a400: [255,  23,  68], a700: [213,   0,   0] }
export class ThemeClass {
   name: string;
   colors: ThemeColors;
   constructor(data: Theme) {
      this.name = data.name;
      this.colors = data.colors;
new ThemeClass(themes[0]);


尝试将[intention: string]替换为'primary',如下所示:

export class Theme {
   name: string;
   colors: { 'primary': { default: number[], a100: number[], a200: number[], a400: number[], a700: number[] } };
   constructor(name: string, colors: { 'primary': { default: number[], a100: number[], a200: number[], a400: number[], a700: number[] } }) {
      this.name = name;
      this.colors = colors;

和警告 !您正在使用 let 运算符定义theme,但此变量已经存在!