
Javascript Graph Google Code Dynamically Generated

本文关键字:动态 代码 图形 谷歌 Javascript      更新时间:2023-09-26


    function drawVisualization2() {
    var d2 = document.getElementById('distanceField').value;
    var i;
    var arr = new Array();
    setInterval(function() {var f1 =document.getElementById('resultField').value;},5000);
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    var f1 = document.getElementById('resultField').value;
    var d1 = parseInt(f1, 10);
    setTimeout(function() {
    //setInterval(function() {app.sendConnection()}, 10000);        
    //var f1 = document.getElementById('resultField').value;
    arr[i] = d1;
    }, 6000);
    var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
    [ 'x', 'title' ], [ '1', arr[0] ], [ '2', arr[1] ],
    [ '3', arr[2] ], [ '4', arr[3] ], [ '5', arr[4] ],
    [ '6', arr[5] ], [ '7', arr[6] ], [ '8', arr[7] ],
    [ '9', arr[8] ], [ '10', arr[9] ],
    //['N',   1,       0.5,         1]
    // Create and draw the visualization.
    new google.visualization.LineChart(document
    .getElementById('visualization2')).draw(data, {
    curveType : "function",
    width : 500,
    height : 350,
    vAxis : {
    maxValue : d2 / 2


 * A JS class that you can instansiate with the "new" construct 
 * on page/api load - this keeps everything self-contained and 
 * for the most part, out of the global scope.
function ChartObject(){
    // internal function - neater way to grab elements
    function $(x){ return document.getElementById(x); }
    // some default data = [['x', 'Metric Title'], ['start',0]];
    // read values from our DOM elements and add to our data array
    this.update = function(){
        var dis = $('distanceField').value.trim(),
            res = parseInt($('resultField').value, 10);
        if(!isNaN(res) && !!dis){
  [dis, res]);
        } else {
            alert('invalid entry');
    // redraw our graph based on our current data array
    this.draw = function(){   
        new google.visualization.LineChart($('visualization')).draw(
                curveType : "function",
                width : 450,
                height : 300
    // the following is executed once when the ChartObject is first called
    // draw the object with initial data
    // add listener to button that user can click to "update" graph
    // this could be adapted to work with "onkeyup" rather than trying
    // to hack with "setTimeout"
    $('addRecord').onclick = function(){
