
Cannot set/ read property of undefined

本文关键字:未定义 属性 读取 设置      更新时间:2023-09-26

我正在尝试制作一个"site layout"类型的东西,点击一个属性和一个值,面板就会更改为那个东西。我需要能够拥有一系列可以点击的界面。

我收到错误cannot set/read property colors of undefined


var panel = "";
var colorType = "texts";
var interfaces = new Array();
interfaces.push(new Interface());
var colors = 'black'
var idx = 0;
var interfaces = new Array();
function Interface(c)
    this.colors = c;
function changeColor()
    if(panel != '')
        if(colorType == 'texts')
            document.getElementById(panel).style.color = interfaces[idx].colors;
        if(colorType == 'background')
            document.getElementById(panel).style.backgroundColor = interfaces[idx].colors;
function changeSize()
    document.getElementById(panel).style.fontSize = interfaces[idx].getElementById('fsizes').value +'px';
function panelClicked()
    document.getElementById('texts').style.borderStyle = 'solid'; 
    document.getElementById('background').style.borderStyle = 'none'; 
    colors = 'black'; 
    colorType = 'texts';


<table style = "width:90px;">
                <td class = 'colors' style = "background-color:red;" onclick = "interfaces[idx].colors = 'red'; changeColor();"></td>
                <td class = 'colors' style = "background-color:orange;" onclick = "interfaces[idx].colors = 'orange'; changeColor();"></td>
                <td class = 'colors' style = "background-color:yellow;" onclick = "interfaces[idx].colors = 'yellow'; changeColor();"></td>
                <td class = 'colors' style = "background-color:green;" onclick = "interfaces[idx].colors = 'green'; changeColor();"></td>
                <td class = 'colors' style = "background-color:blue;" onclick = "interfaces[idx].colors = 'blue'; changeColor();"></td>
                <td class = 'colors' style = "background-color:purple;" onclick = "interfaces[idx].colors = 'purple'; changeColor();"></td>
                <td class = 'colors' style = "background-color:lightpink;" onclick = "interfaces[idx].colors = 'lightpink '; changeColor();"></td>
                <td class = 'colors' style = "background-color:thistle;" onclick = "interfaces[idx].colors = 'thistle'; changeColor();"></td>
                <td class = 'colors' style = "background-color:black;" onclick = "interfaces[idx].colors = 'black'; changeColor();"></td>

您调用"var interfaces = new Array()"两次。如果你把它拿出来,你应该没事的。