
Updating then displaying a variable during jQuery .submit function

本文关键字:变量 一个 显示 submit jQuery 函数 更新      更新时间:2023-09-26


var qty = 1;


然后我希望点击CCD_ 1,它将更新数量变量&将其显示在控制台中。我尝试如下:

$("#addToInventory").submit(function(event){qty = clicks;console.log(" QTY: " + qty );})



$("#addToInventory").submit(function(event){qty = clicks;setTimeout(function (){console.log( " QTY: " + qty );}, 1000);})



$.ajax(settings).done(function(response) {
    var output = "";
    for (i in response.Products) {
        var productID = response.Products[i].ProductId;
        var name = response.Products[i].Name;
        var imagePath = response.Products[i].ImagePath;
        var EAN = response.Products[i].EANBarcode;
        var price = response.Products[i].PriceDescription;
        var offer = response.Products[i].OfferPromotion;
        var offerValid = response.Products[i].OfferValidity;
        var qty = 0;
        output += "<div class='uk-width-medium-1-4'> <div class='md-card'> <div class='md-card-head uk-text-center uk-position-relative'> <div class='uk-badge uk-badge-danger uk-position-absolute uk-position-top-left uk-margin-left uk-margin-top'>" + price + "</div><img class='md-card-head-img' src='" + imagePath + "'/> </div><div class='md-card-content'> <h4 class='heading_c uk-margin-bottom'>" + name + "<span class='sub-heading'>SKU: " + EAN + "</span></h4> <p>" + offer + "</p><p><i>" + offerValid + "</i></p><div align='center'><button data-uk-modal='"{target:'#modal_" + productID + "'}'" class='"md-btn md-btn-flat md-btn-flat-primary'" >ADD TO INVENTORY</button><div class='"uk-modal'" id='"modal_" + productID + "'"> <div class='"uk-modal-dialog'"> <div class='uk-modal-header'> <h3 class='uk-modal-title md-card-toolbar-heading-text'><i class='md-icon material-icons'>&#xE254;</i> QTY To Add</h3> </div><p class='uk-text-left'>How many <i><b>" + name + "</b></i> do you want to add to your home inventory : <br></p><div class='uk-text-center'> <form id='addToInventory_" + productID + "'> </p><br><h2> <table class='uk-table uk-table-popup uk-table-hover-popup'> <tbody> <td class='uk-text-center' type='button' onClick='clicks_" + productID + "--;updateClickCount_" + productID + "();' id='push-'><i class='md-icon material-icons'>&#xE15B;</i></td><td class='uk-text-center' id='clickCount_" + productID + "'>1</td><td class='uk-text-center' type='button' onClick='clicks_" + productID + "++;updateClickCount_" + productID + "();' id='push+'><i class='md-icon material-icons'>&#xE145;</i></td></tbody> </table> </h2> <br></p><button id='addToInventory_" + productID + "-submit' type='submit' class='md-btn md-btn-flat md-btn-flat-primary'>ADD TO INVENTORY</button></form><scr" + "ipt type='"application/javascript'">var clicks_" + productID + " = 1;var minimum = 1;function updateClickCount_" + productID + "() {if (clicks >= minimum) {document.getElementById('clickCount_" + productID + "').innerHTML = clicks_" + productID + ";} else {clicks_" + productID + " = 1;document.getElementById('clickCount_" + productID + "').innerHTML = clicks_" + productID + ";}}  $('"#addToInventory_" + productID + "'").submit(function(event){qty = 0;console.log('QTY IS: '+qty+' CLICKS Are: '+clicks_"+productID+");qty = clicks_"+productID+";setTimeout(function (){console.log('""+ name + " QTY: " + qty +"'");}, 1000);})  </scr" + "ipt></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>";   




var qty = 0;
For (.............) {
// your code here