
Sending value of drop down with description and numbers used for calculating total

本文关键字:计算 用于 数字 包含 下拉列表 描述      更新时间:2023-09-26


        <div id="cid_7" class="form-input">
      <select class="form-dropdown validate[required]" onchange="code(1)" style="width:150px" id="input_7" name="q7_ticketOptions">
        <option>  </option>
        <option value="300"> VIP Floor Seats - $300.00 </option>
        <option value="40"> Section 101 Upper Level - $40.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 101 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="150"> Section 101 Lower Level - $150.00 </option>
        <option value="40"> Section 102 Upper Level - $40.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 102 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="150"> Section 102 Lower Level - $150.00 </option>
        <option value="40"> Section 103 Upper Level - $40.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 103 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="150"> Section 103 Lower Level - $150.00 </option>
        <option value="20"> Section 104 Upper Level - $20.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 104 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="20"> Section 107 Upper Level - $20.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 107 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="40"> Section 108 Upper Level - $40.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 108 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="150"> Section 108 Lower Level - $150.00 </option>
        <option value="40"> Section 109 Upper Level - $40.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 109 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="150"> Section 109 Lower Level - $150.00 </option>
        <option value="40"> Section 110 Upper Level - $40.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 110 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="150"> Section 110 Lower Level - $150.00 </option>
        <option value="40"> Section 111 Upper Level - $40.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 111 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="150"> Section 111 Lower Level - $150.00 </option>
        <option value="40"> Section 112 Upper Level - $40.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 112 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="150"> Section 112 Lower Level - $150.00 </option>
        <option value="20"> Section 113 Upper Level - $20.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 113 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="40"> Section 114 Upper Level - $40.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 114 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="40"> Section 115 Upper Level - $40.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 115 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="20"> Section 116 Upper Level - $20.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 116 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="40"> Section 117 Upper Level - $40.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 117 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="150"> Section 117 Lower Level - $150.00 </option>
        <option value="40"> Section 118 Upper Level - $40.00 </option>
        <option value="60"> Section 118 Mid Level - $60.00 </option>
        <option value="150"> Section 118 Lower Level - $150.00 </option>
  <li class="form-line" id="id_23">
    <label class="form-label-left" id="label_23" for="input_23"> Quantity<span class="form-required">*</span></label>
    <div id="cid_23" class="form-input">
      <select class="form-dropdown validate[required]" onchange="code(2)" style="width:150px" id="input_23" name="q23_quantity">
        <option>  </option>
        <option value="1"> 1 </option>
        <option value="2"> 2 </option>
        <option value="3"> 3 </option>
        <option value="4"> 4 </option>
        <option value="5"> 5 </option>
        <option value="6"> 6 </option>
        <option value="7"> 7 </option>
        <option value="8"> 8 </option>
        <option value="9"> 9 </option>
        <option value="10"> 10 </option>
  <li class="form-line" id="id_22">
    <label class="form-label-right" id="label_22" for="cost">Total &nbsp; &nbsp; $</label>
    <div id="cid_22" class="form-input">
      <input type="text" name="q22_total" id="cost" onfocus="this.blur()" style="width:50px"/> 


<script type="text/javascript">
function code() { // forget the parameter
var varone = document.getElementById('input_7');
var vartwo = document.getElementById('input_23');
var cost = document.getElementById('cost');
var total = parseFloat(varone.value) * parseFloat(vartwo.value);
cost.value = total;



<select class="form-dropdown validate[required]" onchange="code(1);,showUser(this.value);" style="width:150px" id="input_7" name="q7_ticketOptions">
 <option  selected="selected"  disabled="disabled">Choose TicketOptions</option>
       $sql=mysql_query("select * from ticket_options order by id ASC");
        <option> <?php print $val['q7_ticketOptions']; ?>
        <?php  } ?>
  <div  align="right" id="txtHint"><strong>Choose ticketOptions </strong></div>


  function showUser(str)
        if (str=="")
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
    {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
 xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
  {// code for IE6, IE5
    xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
   if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)


    $con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
    if (!$con)
   die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
  mysql_select_db("database", $con);
 $sql="SELECT * FROM ticket_options WHERE q7_ticketOptions = '".$q."'";
  $result = mysql_query($sql);
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  <input type="text" style="text-align:right" name="t_rate" value="<?php echo  $row['ticketRates'] ;  ?>" id="tax0" size="5" />



它将如何工作:当你从select box name="q7_ticketOptions"中选择option,它将在一个新框中显示票率,然后用下拉框name="q23_quantity"进行计算