
How to set an initial filter for my Json data in Angular.js?

本文关键字:数据 Json 设置 过滤器 我的 Angular js      更新时间:2023-09-26

我很难(花了很多天的时间搜索和阅读)为来自rails Json文件的数据设置初始值。

我的应用程序是关于事件票证的,当我将所有数据库条目都输入到数据ng repeat时,我无法设置默认视图,例如,当你第一次加载页面时,在开始时只显示未解决的票证。我还希望在我调用ng-click和各种条件时,整个数据都可以被过滤。


var ticketControllers = angular.module('ticketControllers', []);
    .controller('ticketListController', ['$scope', 'Ticket', 
        function ($scope, Ticket) {
            $scope.tickets_all = Ticket.query();
            $scope.orderProp = 'opened_date';
            $scope.getAllTickets = function (ticket) {
                return $scope.tickets_all;
            $scope.getClosedTickets = function (ticket) {
                if (ticket.status === 'CL') {
                    return true;
                return false;
            $scope.getUnsolvedTickets = function (ticket) {
                if (ticket.status === 'IP' || ticket.status === 'WF') {
                    return true;
                return false;
            $scope.getAbortedTickets = function (ticket) {
                // console.log("Just called" + self.ticket);
                if (ticket.status === 'AB') {
                    return true;
                return false;
            $scope.styleTicketStatus = function (status) {
                switch (status){
                    case ("IP") : return "ui small circular teal label";   break;
                    case ("WF") : return "ui small circular purple label"; break;
                    case ("CL") : return "ui small circular black label";  break;
                    case ("AB") : return "ui small circular black label";  break;
                    default: break;


<table class="ui table raised segment">
      <th class="text-center six column wide">Issue</th>
      <th class="text-center">Category</th>
      <th class="text-center">Requester</th>
      <th class="text-center">Pending for</th>
      <th class="text-center">Owner</th>
    <tr data-ng-repeat="ticket in getAllTickets() | filter : search | filter : statusOrder ">
      <td class="text-center">
          <span class="{{styleTicketStatus(ticket.status)}}">
        <a href="/tickets/{{ticket.id}}" class="ticket_link">{{ticket.issue}} </a>
        <br /><small>{{ticket.explanation}}</small>
      <td class="text-center">{{ticket.ticket_category.category}}</td>
      <td>{{ticket.user.lastname}}, {{ticket.user.firstname}}</td>
      <td class="text-center">{{ticket.date_opened| date:'MM/dd h:mm'}}</td>
      <td>{{ticket.owner.lastname}}, {{ticket.owner.firstname}}</td>


 <div class="ui ">
   <div class="ui input small fluid">
     <input type="text" placeholder="Search in tickets..." class="" ng-model="search.issue" >
 <div class="ui vertical fluid small menu ticket-sidebar">
   <a class="active teal item" ng-click="statusOrder = getUnsolvedTickets">
     My unsolved tickets 
     <div class="ui teal label">{{ (tickets_all | filter:getUnsolvedTickets ).length }}</div>
   <a class="item" ng-click="statusOrder = getUnsolvedTickets">
     All unsolved tickets 
     <div class="ui label">{{ (tickets_all | filter:getUnsolvedTickets ).length }}</div>
   <a class="item" ng-click="statusOrder = getAbortedTickets">
     Aborted tickets
     <div class="ui label">{{ (tickets_all | filter:getAbortedTickets ).length }}</div>
   <a class="item" ng-click="statusOrder = getClosedTickets">
     Closed tickets
     <div class="ui label">{{ (tickets_all | filter:getClosedTickets ).length }}</div>
   <a class="item" ng-click="statusOrder = getAllTickets">
     All tickets
     <div class="ui label">{{tickets_all.length}}</div>




//Get a reference to the 'filter' Filter
var filterFilter = $filter('filter');
//Execute the filter against a list
var filteredList = filterFilter(list, 'substring');



(function() {
  function ticketCtrl($filter) {
    var $this = this;
    //Get a reference to the 'filter' Filter
    var filter = $filter('filter');
    //Set the initial filter to status === 'Unresolved'
    //Changes the status filter and filters the list
    // based on user input
    function changeStatusFilter(status) {
      //Set the new status filter for use in the UI
      $this.statusFilter = status;
      //If we are viewing all statuses, just copy the
      // original list to the one being bound in the UI
      if (status === 'All') {
        $this.filteredTickets = angular.copy(allTickets);
      //Set the list being bound in the UI by running
      // it through the 'filter' Filter using a custom
      // predicate that matches on status exactly
      $this.filteredTickets = filter(allTickets, function(ticket) {
        return ticket.status === $this.statusFilter;
    //Create a function that can be used from the UI
    // to determine if a given status matches the
    // currently selected filter
    function isCurrentFilter(status) {
      return $this.statusFilter === status;
    //Because we are using the "Controller as" syntax
    // the entire controller will be bound to the scope.
    // Anything we want to be available to the UI needs
    // to be exposed on the controller. We can do this
    // by adding properties and methods to 'this' which
    // is aliased here using the '$this' variable
    $this.isCurrentFilter = isCurrentFilter;
    $this.changeStatusFilter = changeStatusFilter;
  //Set up our dependencies using the '$inject'
  // notation.
  ticketCtrl.$inject = ['$filter'];
  angular.module('ticket-app', [])
    .controller('ticketCtrl', ticketCtrl);
  //Just some static data for demo purposes
  var allTickets = [{
    number: '1234',
    name: 'Answer Question',
    status: 'Resolved'
  }, {
    number: '3982',
    name: 'Include Snippet',
    status: 'Resolved'
  }, {
    number: '0283',
    name: 'Get Upvotes',
    status: 'Unresolved'
  }, {
    number: '0273',
    name: 'Make Pretty',
    status: 'Resolved'
  }, {
    number: '8902',
    name: 'Mark Accepted',
    status: 'Unresolved'
  }, {
    number: '1908',
    name: 'Solve World Hunger',
    status: 'Unresolved'
  }, {
    number: '7923',
    name: 'Pick up dry cleaning',
    status: 'Unresolved'
<script src="http://code.angularjs.org/1.3.0/angular.js"></script>
<link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- -->
<div class="container" ng-app="ticket-app" ng-controller="ticketCtrl as ctrl">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
      <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
        <li ng-class="{active:ctrl.isCurrentFilter('Unresolved')}">
          <a ng-click="ctrl.changeStatusFilter('Unresolved')" href="">Unresolved</a>
        <li ng-class="{active:ctrl.isCurrentFilter('Resolved')}">
          <a ng-click="ctrl.changeStatusFilter('Resolved')" href="">Resolved</a>
        <li ng-class="{active:ctrl.isCurrentFilter('All')}">
          <a ng-click="ctrl.changeStatusFilter('All')" href="">All</a>
      <table class="table">
            <th>Ticket #</th>
          <tr ng-repeat="ticket in ctrl.filteredTickets">
              <span class="label" ng-class="{'label-success':ticket.status==='Resolved','label-danger':ticket.status==='Unresolved'}">{{ticket.status}}</span>



$scope.statusOrder = $scope.getUnsolvedTickets;
