
How can I get the positions of a for ( ... in ... ) loop in javascript?

本文关键字:in 循环 位置 for javascript 获取      更新时间:2023-09-26

使用for in循环遍历javascript对象时,如何访问for循环中迭代器的位置?

a = {some: 1, thing: 2};
for (obj in a) {
    if (/* How can I access the first iteration*/) {
       // Do something different on the first iteration
    else {
       // Do something

Javascript对象的属性没有排序。{some: 1, thing: 2}{thing: 2, some: 1} 相同


var i = 0;
for (obj in a) {
    if (i == 0) {
       // Do something different on the first iteration
    else {
       // Do something
    i ++;


a = {some: 1, thing: 2};
var first = true;
for (obj in a) {
    if (first) {
       first = false;
       // Do something different on the first iteration
    else {
       // Do something