
What is the jQuery code to Expand a Read More?

本文关键字:jQuery 代码 是什么 扩展      更新时间:2023-09-26






​<div id="content">


.dorsal { display: none; }


​$('#content').find('p').html( function(){ // for every paragraph in container
   var exposer = '<a href="#" class="expose">More...</a>', // link to insert
       content = $(this).html().split(''),
       cutLength = 50, // choose the cutoff point
       anterior = content.slice( 0,cutLength ).join(''),
       dorsal = content.slice( cutLength ).join(''),
       joined = 
         + exposer 
         + '<span class="dorsal">' 
         + dorsal 
         + '</span>'; // assemble the new contents
    return joined;
   var $thisp = $(this).closest('p');
   $('#content').find('p').not( $thisp ).hide(); // hide others
   $thisp             // for the enclosing paragraph
     .find('.dorsal') // select the hidden piece
     .show()          // show it
     .end()           // back to the paragraph
     .find('.expose') // find the "show more" link
     .hide();         // hide it






$('#content').find('div').prepend(function() {
  var exposer = '<a href="#" class="expose">More...</a>',
    rawcontent = $(this).text(),
    cutLength = 100,
    abstract = rawcontent.split('').slice(0, cutLength).join(''),
    abbreviated = '<span class="abstract">' + abstract + exposer + '</span>';
  return abbreviated;
}).end().on('click', '.expose', function(e) {
    var $thisgroup = $(this).closest('div');
    $('#content').children('div').not($thisgroup).hide(); // hide others
      .append('<a href="#" class="showall">Show all</a>')
}).on('click', '.showall', function() {





<div id="sample_1">
    paragraph sample
    <br><a href="javascript: void(0)" onClick="hide_all_pars('par_1')">read more</a>
    <div id="par_1" style="display: none;">
       Whole paragraph
<div id="sample_2">
    paragraph sample 2
    <br><a href="javascript: void(0)" onClick="hide_all_pars('par_2')">read more</a>
   <div id="par_2" style="display: none;">
       Whole paragraph 2


<script type="text/javascript">
    function hide_all_pars(par){
        var i=0;            


我写这篇文章是因为上面的内容并没有达到我想要的效果。这是一些jQuery代码,它为至少有1个段落的部分添加了read more。它允许其他元素,如标题。它的设计目的是隐藏第一段之后的内容,或者如果第一段很长,它会在定义的点上剪切该段。它还有最小化按钮。

if ($('.contentDiv').find('p').length) {
  $(".contentDiv").each(function(i) {
    var splitFirstPara = '300';
    var maxFirstParaLength = '350';
    var firstPara = $(this).find('p').first().text();
    var firstParaLength = firstPara.length;

    if (firstParaLength > maxFirstParaLength) {
      var frontSentence = firstPara.split('').slice(0, splitFirstPara).join('');
      var endSentence = firstPara.split('').slice(splitFirstPara, ).join('');
      var newSentence = '<p>' + frontSentence + '<button class="readMore" data-toggleShow="' + i + '">read more...</button><span class="toggleShow" data-toggleShow="' + i + '" style="display:none;">' + endSentence + '</span></p>';
      $(this).find('p').first().nextAll().addClass('toggleShow').attr('data-toggleshow', i).hide();
    } else {
      $(this).find('p').first().nextAll().addClass('toggleShow').attr('data-toggleshow', i).hide();
      $(this).find('p').first().after('<button class="readMore" data-toggleShow="' + i + '">read more</button>');
    $(this).append('<button class="minimise" data-toggleShow="' + i + '" style="display:none;">minimise</button>');
  $("button.readMore").click(function() {
    var sameSectionItems = $(this).attr('data-toggleshow');
    $('.toggleShow[data-toggleshow="' + sameSectionItems + '"]').fadeIn();
    $('.minimise[data-toggleshow="' + sameSectionItems + '"]').fadeIn();

  $("button.minimise").click(function() {
    var sameSectionItems = $(this).attr('data-toggleshow');
    $('.toggleShow[data-toggleshow="' + sameSectionItems + '"]').fadeOut();
    $('.readMore[data-toggleshow="' + sameSectionItems + '"]').fadeIn();
.container {
  font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol";
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 800px;
  margin: auto;
button.readMore {
  background: none;
  color: inherit;
  border: none;
  padding: 0;
  font: inherit;
  cursor: pointer;
  outline: inherit;
  text-decoration: underline;
p>button.readMore {
  display: inline;
  margin-left: 0.2em;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <div class="container">
    <div class="contentDiv">
      <h2>Heading Section 1</h2>
      <h3>The first paragraph below is long, <br/>so the read more chops the paragraph and puts the 'read more' inline.</h3>
      <p>I'm baby air plant scenester humblebrag stumptown, banh mi godard shaman fanny pack waistcoat retro cred hoodie messenger bag blue bottle etsy. Pabst plaid literally craft beer actually coloring book vegan shoreditch flannel kickstarter pork belly
        man braid celiac twee intelligentsia. Activated charcoal food truck raw denim, normcore ennui gentrify disrupt salvia brunch lo-fi air plant literally vice iceland woke. Plaid woke knausgaard trust fund thundercats glossier. Schlitz tilde tumblr
        bespoke chartreuse health goth wolf selvage. Retro iceland ethical, gastropub shoreditch four loko 8-bit roof party direct trade.</p>
      <p>Palo santo ethical health goth, affogato neutra you probably haven't heard of them small batch echo park photo booth man braid. Food truck godard beard shaman austin jianbing hot chicken XOXO af mumblecore pork belly meditation. Kickstarter brooklyn
        VHS DIY man bun. Retro venmo fanny pack banjo post-ironic.</p>
      <p>Normcore art party vaporware, jianbing austin truffaut succulents lyft slow-carb wolf bitters. Lo-fi shaman microdosing hashtag. Offal church-key pickled fingerstache tacos subway tile XOXO whatever yr. Ethical drinking vinegar readymade irony,
        marfa offal kickstarter.</p>
    <div class="contentDiv">
      <h2>Heading Section 2</h2>
      <p>Palo santo ethical health goth, affogato neutra you probably haven't heard of them small batch echo park photo booth man braid. Food truck godard beard shaman austin jianbing hot chicken XOXO af mumblecore pork belly meditation. Kickstarter brooklyn
        VHS DIY man bun. Retro venmo fanny pack banjo post-ironic.</p>
      <p>Normcore art party vaporware, jianbing austin truffaut succulents lyft slow-carb wolf bitters. Lo-fi shaman microdosing hashtag. Offal church-key pickled fingerstache tacos subway tile XOXO whatever yr. Ethical drinking vinegar readymade irony,
        marfa offal kickstarter.</p>
      <p>Whatever hella hexagon, williamsburg artisan twee wayfarers palo santo shabby chic yr vice pickled wolf. DIY listicle food truck messenger bag lo-fi, la croix offal roof party flannel asymmetrical hoodie trust fund. Fingerstache YOLO messenger bag,
        photo booth shaman normcore iceland austin sartorial copper mug. Organic bespoke mlkshk readymade. XOXO cardigan neutra deep v scenester air plant venmo crucifix chambray gochujang brunch truffaut everyday carry vinyl banh mi.</p>