Backbone.js:“backbone . collection”;类支持不同类型的对象,以及类如何工作

Backbone.js: The "Backbone.Collection" class supporting objects of different types, and how the class works

本文关键字:对象 何工作 工作 同类型 backbone js collection 支持 Backbone      更新时间:2023-09-26

通过阅读Addy Osmani编写的名为"开发Backbone.js应用程序"的教科书并在其上尝试了一个实际示例,我可以看到Backbone的所有元素。集合类可以有不同类型的元素。扩展主干的类。集合也可以保存不同类型的元素,就像所有的元素不必是一致的。


var ToDosCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
    { title: 'go to Jamaica.', completed: false },
    { task: "aldvjalkdgj", level: 3, timeDue: "6:00 PM Today" }
console.log('Collection size: ' + ToDosCollection.length);
    { slogan: "Curse you, Sephiroth.", population: 5500,},
    { project: "Final Fantasy X" },
    { amount: 500 }
// Above logs 'Collection reset.'
console.log('Collection size: ' + ToDosCollection.length);
var GitHubRepository = Backbone.Model.extend({
        defaults: {
        nameOfRepository : "",
        owner : "",
        members : [],
        dateCreated : "",
        commits: 0,
        additions: 0,
        deletions: 0,
    initialize : function(){
        this.on("change", function() {
        console.log("CHANGE DETECTED");
    this.on("change:nameOfRepository", function(){
        console.log("The name of the repository has been changed.");
    this.on("change:owner", function(){
        console.log("The owner of the repository has been changed.");
    this.on("change:members", function(){
        console.log("The members this repository belongs to have been changed.");
    this.on("change:dateCreated", function(){
        console.log("The date this repository was created has been changed.");
    this.on("change:commits", function(){
        console.log("The # of commits this repository has have been changed.");
    this.on("change:additions", function(){
        console.log("The # of additions this repository has have been changed.");
    this.on("change:deletions", function(){
        console.log("The # of deletions this repository has have been changed.");
var GitHubRepositoryCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: GitHubRepository
var newCollection = new GitHubRepositoryCollection();
    {newObject: new GitHubRepository()},
    {title: "Rabbits"},
    {elementNumber: 5}


