
How to set the some specified time to ajax call ,So that if request is taking time retrieve the data ,It should come to the FAIL Block

本文关键字:费时间 检索 数据 请求 FAIL 如果 时间 调用 ajax 设置      更新时间:2023-09-26
var ajaxRequest = new enyo.Ajax({
    cacheBust: false,
    contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
    method: 'POST',
    timeout: 8000,
    async: false,
    handleAs: 'json',
    data: JSON.stringify({
        // Data to connect to the external service.
        url: url
            method: 'GET',
        contenttype: 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
        content: 'username=l&pwd=p' + searchParams
    success: function (inSender, inResponse) {
    fail: function (inSender, inResponse) {



var getDataFail = true;
    function getData() {
        setTimeOut(fileCallbackFunc, 6000);
            url: yourURL,
            success: doneCallbck,
            error: doneCallbck,
            //other ajax params

    function fileCallbck() {
        if (getDataFail) {
            //your fail logic...
            console.error('get data fail');
    function doneCallbck() {
        getDataFail = false;
        console.error('get data done');