
Mystery Array Object behavior for Array Reversal

本文关键字:数组 对象 用于      更新时间:2023-09-26


//Reverse Array in Place Exercise
Array.prototype.tRev = function()
    var nRay = this.valueOf(); //copy current instance of array
    for (var x = 0,y = this.length-1; x < this.length; x++,y--)
        this[x] = nRay[y];  //switch array element with copy of nRay (original elements)            


var z = [1,2,3,4,5];
var z1 = [343,32423,2434,4,5,5,3];
var z2 = ['hello','hi','goodbye'];
z.tRev();  //console -- > Array [ 5, 4, 3, 4, 5 ]
z1.tRev(); //console -- > Array [ 3, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 3 ]
z2.tRev(); //console -- > Array [ "goodbye", "hi", "goodbye" ]


var z = [1,2,3,4,5];
 current x is = 1 new copy of y is = 5
 x iterator is = 0 z iterator is = 4
 new x is = 5 old copy of y is = 5
 current x is = 2 new copy of y is = 4
 x iterator is = 1 z iterator is = 3
 new x is = 4 old copy of y is = 4
 current x is = 3 new copy of y is = 3
 x iterator is = 2 z iterator is = 2
 new x is = 3 old copy of y is = 3
 current x is = 4 new copy of y is = 4
 x iterator is = 3 z iterator is = 1
 new x is = 4 old copy of y is = 4
 current x is = 5 new copy of y is = 5
 x iterator is = 4 z iterator is = 0
 new x is = 5 old copy of y is = 5

Array.prototype.tRev = function()
    var nRay = this.valueOf(); //copy current instance of array
    for (var x = 0,y = this.length-1; x < y; x++,y--)
    {      var tmp = this[x];      
        this[x] = this[y];  //switch array element with copy of nRay (original elements)  
        this[y] = tmp          
return this;


Array.prototype.tRev = function() {
  for (var x = 0; x < this.length / 2; x++) {
    var y = this.length - x - 1;
    var swap = this[x];
    this[x] = this[y];
    this[y] = swap;


Array.prototype.tRev = function() {
  for (var x = 0; x < this.length / 2; x++) {
    var y = this.length - x - 1;
    [this[y], this[x]] = [this[x], this[y]];


var  z = [1,2,3,4,5],
    z1 = [343,32423,2434,4,5,5,3],
    z2 = ['hello','hi','goodbye'];
Array.prototype.tRev = function(){
                         var i = 0,
                           len = this.length,
                         limit = Math.floor(len/2);
                         while (i <= limit) [this[i],this[len-1-i++]] = [this[len-1-i],this[i]];
                         return this;
console.log(z.tRev()); // in place reversed
