
Jquery - How to reset Animation in the middle of it's current animation?

本文关键字:动画 Jquery- 在中间      更新时间:2023-09-26


$( document ).ready(function() {
    $('#facial span').fadeOut(0);
        // When mouse enters the .container, #facial slides to center of .container.
        $('#facial').animate({right: '25%'})
        // After #facial slides to center it delays for 500ms.      
        // After #facial delays it expands it's width to 100% of .container.
                    .animate({right: 0, width: '100%'});
        // show the span link at bottom as a H2 with center aligned.

       // Mouse leaves .container, and span fades out slowly.
      // $('span').css('display','none'); 
       // Mouse leaves the .container, #facial shrinks it's width to 50%.
       // #facial slides back to right of .container.
       $('#facial').animate({right: 0, width: '50%'});




尝试使用.stop(true, true, true)

var $view = $('<a href="x">View</a>');
$( document ).ready(function() {
    $('#facial span').fadeOut(0);
        // When mouse enters the .container, #facial slides to center of .container.
        $('#facial').animate({right: '25%'})
        // After #facial slides to center it delays for 500ms.      
        // After #facial delays it expands it's width to 100% of .container.
                    .animate({right: 0, width: '100%'});
        // show the span link at bottom as a H2 with center aligned.

       // Mouse leaves .container, and span fades out slowly.
      // $('span').css('display','none'); 
       $('span').stop(true, true, true).fadeOut(500);
       // Mouse leaves the .container, #facial shrinks it's width to 50%.
       // #facial slides back to right of .container.
       $('#facial').stop(true, true, true).animate({right: 0, width: '50%'});
