If else数组查找

if else array lookup

本文关键字:查找 数组 else If      更新时间:2023-09-26


var contacts = [{
  "firstName": "Akira",
  "likes": "beer",
}, // other contacts


lookUpProfile("Akira", "likes"); 

如果函数同时找到名称为"Akira"的参数和属性为"likes",则返回"beer"。如果它找不到这样的名字,它应该返回"no such name",如果它找不到参数"喜欢",它将返回"no such property"

我很高兴看到你对如何更好地写它的建议,但修复我的代码也会很棒。(它返回"undefined"而不是"no such contact")

function lookUpProfile(firstName, prop) {
  for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
    var name = contacts[i].firstName;
    var propz = contacts[i].hasOwnProperty(prop);
    if (name == firstName && propz) {
      return contacts[i][prop];
    } else if (propz !== prop && firstName == name) {
      return "no such property";
    } else if (firstName !== name && propz == prop) {
      return "no such contact";
lookUpProfile("Akira", "lastName");




// store current contact in a variable
var contact = contacts[i];
// get properties from the current contact
var name = contact.firstName;
var propValue = contact[prop];
// check for existence of the passed in first name and property
var hasName = name === firstName;
var hasProp = contact.hasOwnProperty(prop);
// if it has both, return property
if (hasName && hasProp) {
  return propValue;
// if it only has the name, return 'no such prop'
if (hasName) {
  return 'no such prop';
// otherwise it has neither so we return 'no such contact'
return 'no such contact';

var contacts = [{
  "firstName": "Akira",
  "likes": "beer",
function lookUpProfile(firstName, prop) {
  for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
    // store current contact in a variable
    var contact = contacts[i];
    // get properties from the current contact
    var name = contact.firstName;
    var propValue = contact[prop];
    // check for existence of the passed in first name and property
    var hasName = name === firstName;
    var hasProp = contact.hasOwnProperty(prop);
    // if it has both, return property
    if (hasName && hasProp) {
      return propValue;
    // if it only has the name, return 'no such prop'
    if (hasName) {
      return 'no such prop';
    // otherwise it has neither so we return 'no such contact'
    return 'no such contact';
console.log(lookUpProfile("Akira", "likes")); // beer
console.log(lookUpProfile("Akira", "something else")); // no such prop
console.log(lookUpProfile("Someone else", "likes")); // no such contact


// finds the person with the provided name or return undefined
var contact = contacts.find(function(c) {
  return c.firstName === firstName;
// if no contact exists, return 'no such contact'
if (!contact) {
  return 'no such contact';
// if contact doesn't have the prop, return 'no such prop'
if (!contact.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
  return 'no such prop';
// otherwise return the prop value
return contact[prop];

var contacts = [{
  "firstName": "Akira",
  "likes": "beer",
function lookUpProfile(firstName, prop) {
  // finds the person with the provided name or return undefined
  var contact = contacts.find(function(c) {
    return c.firstName === firstName;
  // if no contact exists, return 'no such contact'
  if (!contact) {
    return 'no such contact';
  // if contact doesn't have the prop, return 'no such prop'
  if (!contact.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
    return 'no such prop';
  // otherwise return the prop value
  return contact[prop];
console.log(lookUpProfile("Akira", "likes")); // beer
console.log(lookUpProfile("Akira", "something else")); // no such prop
console.log(lookUpProfile("Someone else", "likes")); // no such contact




var contacts = [
        "firstName": "Akira",
        "likes": "beer",
function lookUpProfile(firstName, prop){
var _toReturn =""
//_inArray will only have matched json object
var _inArray=contacts.filter(function(item){ 
  return item.firstName = firstName;
if(_inArray.length !==0){
  _toReturn =_inArray[0][''+prop+''];
// here you can also check if key prop exist in current object
else if(_inArray.length ==0) { 
_toReturn="no such contact";
return _toReturn;





function findContact(firstName) {
    for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
        var name = contacts[i].firstName;
        if(name === firstName) {
            return contacts[i];
    // contact was not found.
    return undefined;

function lookUpProfile(firstName, prop) {
    var contact = findContact(firstName);
    // undefined is a falsy value
    if(!contact) {
       return "no such contact";
    // no need to else because the if branch terminates the function with a return
    var propz = contact.hasOwnProperty(prop);
    if(!propz) {
        return "no such property";
    // again, no need to add an else
    return contact[prop];
lookUpProfile("Akira", "lastName");


function findContact(firstName) {
    return contacts.find(function(contact) {
       return contact.firstName === firstName;


function findContact(firstName) {
    return contacts.find(contact => contact.firstName === firstName);

我更喜欢使用for in循环数组对象。你也应该在循环之外返回你的结果。你可以通过Object.keys()获得对象键。

var contacts = [{
  "firstName": "Akira",
  "likes": "beer",
    "likes" : "computer"
function lookUpProfile(firstName, prop) {
  for (var i in contacts) {
    var name = contacts[i].firstName;
    var propz = Object.keys(contacts[i])[1];    
    if (name == firstName && propz == prop) {
      result = contacts[i][prop];
    } else if (prop != propz && firstName == name) {
       result = "no such property";
    } else if (firstName !== name && prop == propz) {
       result = "no such contact";
  return result;