
JQGrid toolbar filter and restoring a row in edit state with formatted columns

本文关键字:于编辑 编辑 状态 JQGridtoolbar 恢复 格式化 过滤      更新时间:2023-09-26

我注意到,当使用内联行编辑(通过$grid.jqGrid('editRow', rowId, ...etc)将行置于编辑状态),然后在不实际编辑行的情况下恢复行($grid.jqGrid('restoreRow',rowToRestore);)时,会将格式化列的$grid.p.data[{indexofrowrestored}][{columnname}]设置为格式化值,而不是列的原始值。




restoreRow : function(rowid, afterrestorefunc) {
    // Compatible mode old versions
    var args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1), o={};
    if( $.jgrid.realType(args[0]) === "Object" ) {
        o = args[0];
    } else {
        if ($.isFunction(afterrestorefunc)) { o.afterrestorefunc = afterrestorefunc; }
    o = $.extend(true, $.jgrid.inlineEdit, o );
    // End compatible
    return this.each(function(){
        var $t= this, fr, d, ind, ares={};  //UPDATED: added the variable 'd'
        if (!$t.grid ) { return; }
        ind = $($t).jqGrid("getInd",rowid,true);
        if(ind === false) {return;}
        for( var k=0;k<$t.p.savedRow.length;k++) {
            if( $t.p.savedRow[k].id == rowid) {fr = k; break;}
        //ADDED: added this for-loop
        //      get a hold of the $t.p.data array row with the ID of the
        //      row being restored; this row contains the original, unformatted
        //      data that came from the server while $t.p.savedRow contains
        //      what appears to be formatted column data; this is messing
        //      up the toolbar filter accuracy (which filters on original, unformatted
        //      data) when the row is restored
        for( var k=0;k<$t.p.data.length;k++) {
            if( $t.p.data[k].id == rowid) {d = k; break;}
        //END EDIT
        if(fr >= 0) {
            if($.isFunction($.fn.datepicker)) {
                try {
                } catch (e) {}
            $.each($t.p.colModel, function(i,n){
                if(this.editable === true && this.name in $t.p.savedRow[fr] && !$(this).hasClass('not-editable-cell')) {
                    //EDIT: this line was edited to set ares[this.name] to
                    //the original, unformatted data rather than the saved row data
                    //so, below, when setRowData method is called, it is being set
                    //to original data rather than formatted data
                    ares[this.name] = $t.p.data[d][this.name];
                    //END EDIT
            if($("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(rowid), "#"+$.jgrid.jqID($t.p.id)).hasClass("jqgrid-new-row")){
        if ($.isFunction(o.afterrestorefunc))
            o.afterrestorefunc.call($t, rowid);




您的建议中的一个重要问题是$grid.p.data并不总是存在。如果将"经典"网格与datatype: 'json'datatype: 'xml'一起使用,而不使用loadonce: true,则会有未定义的data参数。我建议Tony修改addJSONDataaddXmlData的代码来填充data参数(参见代码部分),但无论如何,jqGrid的当前实现并不总是填充data。因此$t.p.data不能用于该情况。