
Ignore gridview cells containing dropdown

本文关键字:网格 视图 单元格 下拉列表 包含      更新时间:2023-09-26



$('.grid tr td').live('mouseover',
        function () {
                $(this).attr("title", $(this).text());
                    // no need to change/override  
                    closeTipBtn: 'aToolTipCloseBtn',
                    toolTipId: 'aToolTip',
                    // ok to override  
                    fixed: false,                   // Set true to activate fixed position  
                    clickIt: false,                 // set to true for click activated tooltip  
                    inSpeed: 200,                   // Speed tooltip fades in  
                    outSpeed: 100,                  // Speed tooltip fades out  
                    tipContent: '',                 // Pass in content or it will use objects 'title' attribute  
                    toolTipClass: 'defaultTheme',   // Set class name for custom theme/styles  
                    xOffset: 5,                     // x position  
                    yOffset: 5,                     // y position  
                    onShow: null,                   // callback function that fires after atooltip has shown  
                    onHide: null                    // callback function that fires after atooltip has faded out  



我试过$('.grid tr td').not('.dropdownCssClass').live('mouseover',但不起作用请帮帮我。


$('.grid tr td:not(:has(select))')

$('.grid tr td:not(:has(.dropdownCssClass))')