仅在提交时使用 javascript 保存表单状态

Saving form state with javascript only on submit

本文关键字:javascript 保存 表单 状态 提交      更新时间:2023-09-26


function getStorage(key_prefix) {
    if (window.localStorage) {
        return {
            set: function(id, data) {
                localStorage.setItem(key_prefix+id, data);
            get: function(id) {
                return localStorage.getItem(key_prefix+id);
    } else {
        return {
            set: function(id, data) {
                document.cookie = key_prefix+id+'='+encodeURIComponent(data);
            get: function(id, data) {
                var cookies = document.cookie, parsed = {};
                cookies.replace(/([^=]+)=([^;]*);?'s*/g, function(whole, key, value) {
                    parsed[key] = unescape(value);
                return parsed[key_prefix+id];
jQuery(function($) {
    var storedData = getStorage('com_mysite_checkboxes_'); 
    $('div.check input:checkbox').bind('change',function(){
        storedData.set(this.id, $(this).is(':checked')?'checked':'not');
    }).each(function() {
        var val = storedData.get(this.id);
        if (val == 'checked') $(this).attr('checked', 'checked');
        if (val == 'not') $(this).removeAttr('checked');
        if (val == 'checked') $(this).attr('disabled','true');
        if (val) $(this).trigger('change');




jQuery(function($) {
    // bind to the submit event of the form
    $('#id-of-your-form').submit(function() {
        // get storage
        var storedData = getStorage('com_mysite_checkboxes_');
        // save checkbox states to cookie
        $('div.check input:checkbox').each(function() {
            // for each checkbox, save the state in storage with this.id as the key
            storedData.set(this.id, $(this).is(':checked')?'checked':'not');
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    // on load, restore the checked checkboxes
    $('div.check input:checkbox').each(function() {
        // get storage
        var storedData = getStorage('com_mysite_checkboxes_');
        // for each checkbox, load the state and check it if state is "checked"
        var state = storedData.get(this.id);
        if (state == 'checked') {
            $(this).attr('checked', 'checked');