
how do i fix overlapping numbers in if/else statement?

本文关键字:if else 语句 数字 何修复 重叠      更新时间:2023-09-26


<title> Javascript program</title>
var hour=eval (prompt("What is the current hour?", ""));
if (hour > 6 && hour <=  9){
alert("Breakfast time ");
else if (hour => 11 && hour <= 1) {
alert("Time for lunch");
else if (hour => 5 && hour <= 8){
alert("Dinner is served");
alert("Sorry, you'll have to wait, or go get a snack");




JavaScript 24小时解决方案

// Removed prompt in favor of just pulling the hour
//var hour=eval (prompt("What is the current hour?", ""));
var hour = new Date().getHours();
// Changed to 24 hour schedule
if (hour > 6 && hour <=  9){
  console.log("Breakfast time ");
} else if (hour >= 11 && hour <= 13) {
  console.log("Time for lunch");
} else if (hour >= 17 && hour <= 20){
  console.log("Dinner is served");
} else{
  console.log("Sorry, you'll have to wait, or go get a snack");

JavaScript 12小时AM/PM解决方案


<a data-target="#myModal" role="button" class="btn" data-toggle="modal">Launch demo modal</a>
<div class="modal fade hide" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
  <div class="modal-header">
    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
    <h3 id="myModalLabel">Modal header</h3>
  <div class="modal-body">
    <input type='text' id='hour'/>
      <select id='AMPM'>
          <option value=0>AM</option>
          <option value=12>PM</option>
  <div class="modal-footer">
    <button class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Close</button>
    <button class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal" id='save'>Save changes</button>

var getMeal = function() {
    var hour = parseInt($('#hour').val());
    var AMPM = parseInt($('#AMPM').val());
    if(hour === 12 && AMPM ===0) {
      hour = 0;
    } else {
      hour += AMPM;
    // Changed to 24 hour schedule
    if (hour > 6 && hour <=  9){
      console.log("Breakfast time ");
    } else if (hour >= 11 && hour <= 13) {
      console.log("Time for lunch");
    } else if (hour >= 17 && hour <= 20){
      console.log("Dinner is served");
    } else{
      console.log("Sorry, you'll have to wait, or go get a snack");
$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#save').on('click', getMeal);


在你的代码中,你假设用户将使用12小时的时钟。使用12小时制的问题是,给定一个数字,例如7,它可能对应于7 am7 pm。作为一个程序员,你不知道用户的意思是什么,更进一步说,当你使用整数时,你也不能分辨出你自己的代码中的区别。


但是,您仍然不知道用户将如何在提示符中输入值…他们会使用12小时的时间吗?给am/pm ?或者用户24小时时间?我们所能做的就是解析输入,并且只接受来自用户的特定类型的输入。我已经写了一个示例解析器函数与代码注释解释发生了什么。

function parse_input(input) {
  // these are the variable we will use in the function
  var time, matches, am_or_pm;
  // make sure the input variable has been initialised to a string
  input = input || '';
  // check if the input contains a time and am/pm
  matches = input.match(/^([1-9]|10|11|12)'s*(am|pm)/i);
  // try to get the time from the matches
  if (matches) {
    time = parseInt(matches[1]); // Note: may evaluate to NaN
    am_or_pm = matches[2];
  // if there was no match use the original input.
  time = time || parseInt(input); // Note: may evaluate to NaN
  // adjust to 24 hr time if user entered 'pm'
  // Note: we don't need to do anything if the user enters 'am'
  if (am_or_pm && am_or_pm.toLowerCase() == 'pm') {
    time = time + 12;
  return time;


// get the time from the user as you did before
var input = prompt("What is the current hour?", "");
// use the custom parser function to get the hour of day in 24 hr time
var hour = parse_input(input);
// respond to the user based on the given time 
if (hour > 6 && hour <=  9) {
  alert("Breakfast time ");
else if (hour >= 11 && hour <= 13) {
  alert("Time for lunch");
else if (hour >= 17 && hour <= 20) {
  alert("Dinner is served");
else if (isNaN(hour) || hour > 23 || hour < 1) {
  // Let the user know that their input was not valid
  alert("Sorry, you didn't enter a valid time");
else {
  alert("Sorry, you'll have to wait, or go get a snack");
