
how to create google charts in a loop

本文关键字:谷歌 创建 循环      更新时间:2023-09-26

嗨,我在谷歌图表工作,一切都很好。图表加载完美,但现在我在一个情况下,我需要在一个循环加载图表,我无法延迟绑定图表。这里是c# mvc代码

                    <% Html.RenderPartial("ChartsDetailPDF", ViewData); %> //this chart code is working fine
            <% var allChildCategories = ViewData["allChildCategories"] as List<Category>;
               if (allChildCategories != null)
                   foreach (var item in allChildCategories)
                       var categoryId = item.Id; 
                       // from here i need categoryId and from this id i can get jsondata from server calling ajax function
     $(document).ready(function () {
 google.load('visualization', '1.1', { 'packages': ['corechart'], 'callback': drawChartLateBinding("<%=categoryId %>", "<%=userId %>", "<% =startDate %>", "<% =endDate %>") }); 
 function drawChartLateBinding(categoryId ,userId,startDate,endDate) {
                $('#chartControlRepeater' + categoryId).load( function () { 
                    drawBarChartAjaxfunction(categoryId, userId, startDate, endDate);

                   <div  id="chartDiv_<%=categoryId %>" data-categoryId="<%=categoryId%>" data-userId="<%=userId %>" data-startdate="<% =startDate %>" data-enddate="<% =endDate %>" style="width: 100%; height: 450px;">
               } %>


var chart_data_categoryId = new google.visualization.DataTable(data);
var chart_categoryId = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById(chart_div_categoryId));
chart_categoryId.draw(chart_data_categoryId, options);