
Problems with integrating ui-calendar into angular app

本文关键字:问题 应用 angular ui-calendar 集成      更新时间:2023-09-26


Loading "imagemin.js" tasks...ERROR
>> Error: Cannot find module 'imagemin-gifsicle'
Running "newer:jshint" (newer) task
Running "newer:jshint:all" (newer) task
Running "jshint:all" (jshint) task
  line 16   col 7   Missing "use strict" statement.
  line 45   col 18  Strings must use singlequote.
  line 141  col 22  Did you mean to return a conditional instead of an assignment?
  line 172  col 5   Missing "use strict" statement.
  line 12   col 5   'Appointment1App' is defined but never used.
  line 254  col 60  'oldTokens' is defined but never used.
  line 254  col 49  'newTokens' is defined but never used.
  line 262  col 48  'oldO' is defined but never used.
  line 262  col 43  'newO' is defined but never used.
✖ 9 problems
Warning: Task "jshint:all" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.


var Appointment1App = angular.module('ui.calendar', [])
  .constant('uiCalendarConfig', {})
  .controller('uiCalendarCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', function($scope, $timeout){
      var sourceSerialId = 1,
          eventSerialId = 1,
          sources = $scope.eventSources,
          extraEventSignature = $scope.calendarWatchEvent ? $scope.calendarWatchEvent : angular.noop,
          wrapFunctionWithScopeApply = function(functionToWrap){
              var wrapper;
              if (functionToWrap){
                  wrapper = function(){
                      // This happens outside of angular context so we need to wrap it in a timeout which has an implied apply.
                      // In this way the function will be safely executed on the next digest.
                      var args = arguments;
                      var _this = this;
                        functionToWrap.apply(_this, args);
              return wrapper;
      this.eventsFingerprint = function(e) {
        if (!e.__uiCalId) {
          e.__uiCalId = eventSerialId++;
        // This extracts all the information we need from the event. http://jsperf.com/angular-calendar-events-fingerprint/3
        return "" + e.__uiCalId + (e.id || '') + (e.title || '') + (e.url || '') + (+e.start || '') + (+e.end || '') +
          (e.allDay || '') + (e.className || '') + extraEventSignature(e) || '';
      this.sourcesFingerprint = function(source) {
          return source.__id || (source.__id = sourceSerialId++);
      this.allEvents = function() {
        // return sources.flatten(); but we don't have flatten
        var arraySources = [];
        for (var i = 0, srcLen = sources.length; i < srcLen; i++) {
          var source = sources[i];
          if (angular.isArray(source)) {
            // event source as array
          } else if(angular.isObject(source) && angular.isArray(source.events)){
            // event source as object, ie extended form
            var extEvent = {};
            for(var key in source){
              if(key !== '_uiCalId' && key !== 'events'){
                 extEvent[key] = source[key];
            for(var eI = 0;eI < source.events.length;eI++){
        return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arraySources);
      // Track changes in array by assigning id tokens to each element and watching the scope for changes in those tokens
      // arguments:
      //  arraySource array of function that returns array of objects to watch
      //  tokenFn function(object) that returns the token for a given object
      this.changeWatcher = function(arraySource, tokenFn) {
        var self;
        var getTokens = function() {
          var array = angular.isFunction(arraySource) ? arraySource() : arraySource;
          var result = [], token, el;
          for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; i++) {
            el = array[i];
            token = tokenFn(el);
            map[token] = el;
          return result;
        // returns elements in that are in a but not in b
        // subtractAsSets([4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 7]) => [6]
        var subtractAsSets = function(a, b) {
          var result = [], inB = {}, i, n;
          for (i = 0, n = b.length; i < n; i++) {
            inB[b[i]] = true;
          for (i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; i++) {
            if (!inB[a[i]]) {
          return result;
        // Map objects to tokens and vice-versa
        var map = {};
        var applyChanges = function(newTokens, oldTokens) {
          var i, n, el, token;
          var replacedTokens = {};
          var removedTokens = subtractAsSets(oldTokens, newTokens);
          for (i = 0, n = removedTokens.length; i < n; i++) {
            var removedToken = removedTokens[i];
            el = map[removedToken];
            delete map[removedToken];
            var newToken = tokenFn(el);
            // if the element wasn't removed but simply got a new token, its old token will be different from the current one
            if (newToken === removedToken) {
            } else {
              replacedTokens[newToken] = removedToken;
          var addedTokens = subtractAsSets(newTokens, oldTokens);
          for (i = 0, n = addedTokens.length; i < n; i++) {
            token = addedTokens[i];
            el = map[token];
            if (!replacedTokens[token]) {
        return self = {
          subscribe: function(scope, onChanged) {
            scope.$watch(getTokens, function(newTokens, oldTokens) {
              if (!onChanged || onChanged(newTokens, oldTokens) !== false) {
                applyChanges(newTokens, oldTokens);
            }, true);
          onAdded: angular.noop,
          onChanged: angular.noop,
          onRemoved: angular.noop
      this.getFullCalendarConfig = function(calendarSettings, uiCalendarConfig){
          var config = {};
          angular.extend(config, uiCalendarConfig);
          angular.extend(config, calendarSettings);
          angular.forEach(config, function(value,key){
            if (typeof value === 'function'){
              config[key] = wrapFunctionWithScopeApply(config[key]);
          return config;
  .directive('uiCalendar', ['uiCalendarConfig', '$locale', function(uiCalendarConfig, $locale) {
    // Configure to use locale names by default
    var tValues = function(data) {
      // convert {0: "Jan", 1: "Feb", ...} to ["Jan", "Feb", ...]
      var r, k;
      r = [];
      for (k in data) {
        r[k] = data[k];
      return r;
    var dtf = $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS;
    uiCalendarConfig = angular.extend({
      monthNames: tValues(dtf.MONTH),
      monthNamesShort: tValues(dtf.SHORTMONTH),
      dayNames: tValues(dtf.DAY),
      dayNamesShort: tValues(dtf.SHORTDAY)
    }, uiCalendarConfig || {});
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      scope: {eventSources:'=ngModel',calendarWatchEvent: '&'},
      controller: 'uiCalendarCtrl',
      link: function(scope, elm, attrs, controller) {
        var sources = scope.eventSources,
            sourcesChanged = false,
            eventSourcesWatcher = controller.changeWatcher(sources, controller.sourcesFingerprint),
            eventsWatcher = controller.changeWatcher(controller.allEvents, controller.eventsFingerprint),
            options = null;
        function getOptions(){
          var calendarSettings = attrs.uiCalendar ? scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.uiCalendar) : {},
          fullCalendarConfig = controller.getFullCalendarConfig(calendarSettings, uiCalendarConfig);
          options = { eventSources: sources };
          angular.extend(options, fullCalendarConfig);
          var options2 = {};
          for(var o in options){
            if(o !== 'eventSources'){
              options2[o] = options[o];
          return JSON.stringify(options2);
        scope.destroy = function(){
          if(attrs.calendar) {
            scope.calendar = scope.$parent[attrs.calendar] =  elm.html('');
          } else {
            scope.calendar = elm.html('');
        scope.init = function(){
        eventSourcesWatcher.onAdded = function(source) {
          scope.calendar.fullCalendar('addEventSource', source);
          sourcesChanged = true;
        eventSourcesWatcher.onRemoved = function(source) {
          scope.calendar.fullCalendar('removeEventSource', source);
          sourcesChanged = true;
        eventsWatcher.onAdded = function(event) {
          scope.calendar.fullCalendar('renderEvent', event);
        eventsWatcher.onRemoved = function(event) {
          scope.calendar.fullCalendar('removeEvents', function(e) { return e === event; });
        eventsWatcher.onChanged = function(event) {
          scope.calendar.fullCalendar('updateEvent', event);
        eventsWatcher.subscribe(scope, function(newTokens, oldTokens) {
          if (sourcesChanged === true) {
            sourcesChanged = false;
            // prevent incremental updates in this case
            return false;
        scope.$watch(getOptions, function(newO,oldO){
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