我想改进我的 JavaScript 条件代码

I would like to improve my JavaScript condition code

本文关键字:JavaScript 条件 代码 我的      更新时间:2023-09-26



如果数据类型 !=='对象'



var Person_D = function Person_D(name) {
  //assume PeopleFactory is defined globally
  //getDetailsAsync returns either null or a record with specific name.
  PeopleFactory.getDetailsAsync(name, function(data) {
    if (typeof data !== 'object') {
      throw new Error('No record found for this individual.');
    this.name = data.name;
    this.age = data.age || 'No age data available.';
    this.eyeColor = data.eyeColor || "This individual's eye color data is not listed.";
    this.height = data.size.height || "No height specified.";
  return this;
var personD = new Person_D('Jana');

您当前状态的问题太宽泛而无法"回答",但是代码中至少有 3 个错误会在所有情况下导致错误。

  1. 代码通过PeopleFactory.getDetailsAsync加载Person_D的属性,这是异步的,但访问personD.name同步的。

  2. 代码使用 this 在回调中分配属性,以便this不再引用Person_D对象。

  3. if(typeof data !=='object')实际上总是会导致true,因为typeof nulltypeof new Object()都会导致"object"。请改用=== null


var Person_D = function Person_D(name) {
  var self = this;
  //assume PeopleFactory is defined globally
  //getDetailsAsync returns either null or a record with specific name.
  PeopleFactory.getDetailsAsync(name, function(data) {
    if (data === null) {
      throw new Error('No record found for this individual.');
    self.name = data.name;
    self.age = data.age || 'No age data available.';
    self.eyeColor = data.eyeColor || "This individual's eye color data is not listed.";
    self.height = data.size.height || "No height specified.";
  return this;
var personD = new Person_D('Jana');