
How to display user input with a Javascript function

本文关键字:用户 输入 显示 函数 何用 Javascript      更新时间:2023-09-26

我试图通过提交按钮显示用户输入。用户将输入工具类型,然后前五个输入将以li的形式显示。然后,当达到5个工具的限制时,另一个函数打印"Thanks for your suggestions"。但是,我无法让该函数打印出建议工具的任何用户输入。有人能帮我理解一下为什么他们不打印出来吗?

<script src="modernizr.custom.05819.js">
var i = 1;
var listItem = "";
function processInput() {
  if (i <= 5) {
      listItem[0] += 1;
      listItem = toolBox;
      var toolBox = "";
      alert("This is running");
      if (i == 5) {
          var resultsExpl = "Thanks for your suggestions";
  var backSubmit = document.getElementById("button");
  if (backSubmit.addEventListener) {
    backSubmit.addEventListener("click", calcTotal, false);
  } else if (backsubmit.attachEvent) {
    backSubmit.attachEvent("onclick", calcTotal);

<div id="results">
         <li id="item1"></li>
         <li id="item2"></li>
         <li id="item3"></li>
         <li id="item4"></li>
         <li id="item5"></li>
      <p id="resultsExpl"></p>
        <label for="toolBox" id="placeLabel">
          Type the name of a tool, then click Submit:
        <input type="text" id="toolBox"/>
        <button type="submit" id="button" onclick="processInput()">Submit</button>
        <button type="button" id ="reset" onclick="resetForm()"/>Reset</button>




   var count=1;
function processInput(){
    var tool = document.getElementById("toolBox").value;
    document.getElementById("toolBox").value = "";
        document.getElementById("resultsExpl").innerHTML = "Thanks for your suggestions";
        document.getElementById("item"+count).innerHTML = tool;
        document.getElementById("item"+count).innerHTML = tool;
 function resetForm(){
    document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = '<ul><li id="item1"></li><li id="item2"></li><li id="item3"></li><li id="item4"></li><li id="item5"></li><p id="resultsExpl"></p></ul>';


<div id="results">
         <li id="item1"></li>
         <li id="item2"></li>
         <li id="item3"></li>
         <li id="item4"></li>
         <li id="item5"></li>
      <p id="resultsExpl"></p>
<form id="formId">
        <label for="toolBox" id="placeLabel">
          Type the name of a tool, then click Submit:
        <input type="text" id="toolBox"/>
        <button type="button" id="button" onclick="processInput()">Submit</button>
        <button type="button" id ="reset" onclick="resetForm()"/>Reset</button>


var i = 1;
function processInput() {
    if (i <= 5) {
        document.getElementById('item' + i).innerHTML = document.getElementById('toolBox').value;
        document.getElementById('toolBox').value = '';
        if (i == 5) {
            alert('Thank you for your suggestions');
        } else {
function resetForm() {
    while (i >= 1) {
        document.getElementById('item' + i).innerHTML = '';
    i = 1;
<div id="results">
             <li id="item1"></li>
             <li id="item2"></li>
             <li id="item3"></li>
             <li id="item4"></li>
             <li id="item5"></li>
          <p id="resultsExpl"></p>
            <label for="toolBox" id="placeLabel">
              Type the name of a tool, then click Submit:
            <input type="text" id="toolBox"/>
            <button type="button" id="button" onclick="processInput()">Submit</button>
            <button type="button" id ="reset" onclick="resetForm()"/>Reset</button>


  1. 使用src属性定义script标签,并内联编写代码,这将永远不起作用
  2. 定义了一些全局变量,虽然这不是一个bug,但这是一个非常糟糕的设计
  3. 将变量listItem声明为空字符串,然后使用它的第一个字符来增加Number,我不知道你在这里想做什么。
  4. 然后,将未定义/未声明的toolBox变量设置为listItem字符串
  5. 最后,您将click事件处理程序添加到submit按钮,但添加到未定义的回调


/* we encapsulate your hole code into an IIFE (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression)
   the goal here is to not polute the global scope, so the variable declarations reside inside it */
(function(d) {
  /* that's the counter you already had, I renamed it from i to item */
  var item = 1;
  /* we cache all the elements we're going to use here, by getting them by id */
  var txt = d.getElementById('toolBox'),
      btn = d.getElementById('button'),
      reset = d.getElementById('reset'),
      results = d.getElementById('results'),
      resultsExpl = d.getElementById('resultsExpl');
  /* we add the 'click' event handlers to our buttons
     it's better than puting directly inside the HTML, because it's a better design
     this approach is known as Unobstrusive Javascript */
  btn.addEventListener('click', processInput);
  reset.addEventListener('click', resetForm);
  /* your processInput function, with the same logic you had, but fixed */
  function processInput() {
    if (item <= 5) {
      /* here, we get the li tag by its id, concatenating the string 'item' to our variable item */
      var li = d.getElementById('item' + item);
      /* we must use the property textContent to change the text of the li
         and we get the user's input by getting its property value */
      li.textContent = txt.value;
      /* then, we increment our counter. the code below is the same as item += 1 */
    /* if the last item was inserted, we show our message */
    if (item > 5) {
      resultsExpl.textContent = 'Thanks for your suggestions';
  function resetForm() {
    /* to reset our form, firstly I loop through all the lis inside the div results */
    [].forEach.call(results.querySelectorAll('li'), function(el, i) {
      /* and I change each li textContent property to an empty string */
      el.textContent = '';
    /* then, we set our input's value to empty, and we also reset our item variable to 1 */
    txt.value = '';    
    item = 1;
})(document); /* I'm passing the document as a parameter, so I can use inside the IIFE as the variable d */
<div id="results">
    <li id="item1"></li>
    <li id="item2"></li>
    <li id="item3"></li>
    <li id="item4"></li>
    <li id="item5"></li>
  <p id="resultsExpl"></p>
    <label for="toolBox" id="placeLabel">
      Type the name of a tool, then click Submit:
    <input type="text" id="toolBox" />
    <button type="submit" id="button">Submit</button>
    <button type="button" id="reset">Reset</button>

整理后的Saumil Soni的帖子:

    var count=1;
    var done;
    function processInput(){
        var tool = document.getElementById("toolBox").value;
        if (done!=1) {
          document.getElementById("toolBox").value = "";
            if (done!=1) {
              document.getElementById("resultsExpl").innerHTML = "Thanks for your suggestions";
              document.getElementById("item"+count).innerHTML = tool;
              done = 1;
            if (done!=1) {
              document.getElementById("item"+count).innerHTML = tool;
    function resetForm() {
<div id="results">
         <li id="item1"></li>
         <li id="item2"></li>
         <li id="item3"></li>
         <li id="item4"></li>
         <li id="item5"></li>
      <p id="resultsExpl"></p>
<form id="formId" onSubmit="processInput(); return false;">
        <label for="toolBox" id="placeLabel">
          Type the name of a tool, then click Submit:
        <input type="text" id="toolBox"/>
        <button type="button" id="button" onclick="processInput()">Submit</button>
        <button type="button" id ="reset" onclick="resetForm()"/>Reset</button>