scrollTop ();动画的问题

scrollTop(); animation issues

本文关键字:问题 动画 scrollTop      更新时间:2023-09-26


我尽我所能地注释了所有的东西,并且已经达到了这样的地步:如果我在一个位置或另一个位置使用return false;,整个函数的一部分就可以工作了,如上所述。



$('.sign_in').click(function () {
    // IMPORTANT - This scrolls the page back to top if user clicks on '.sign_in' div - May need fixed as it flickers for some reason...
    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: 0
    }, 350); // NOTE: Set second number to '0' to eliminate flicker - however, doing this also eliminates scroll animation speed...
    // return false; // NOTE: Having 'return false;' stated here allows for smooth scrolling without flicker but disables the rest of the functions...
    // IMPORTANT - If/Else statement changes text on '.sign_in' div
    if ($(this).text() == 'REGISTER') {
        // IMPORTANT - This autofocuses on form element for 'Register' form
    } else {
        // IMPORTANT - This autofocuses on form element for 'Login' form
    // IMPORTANT - This flips the form if user clicks on '.sign_in' div
    // return false; // NOTE: Having 'return false;' stated here allows all functions to run but causes flicker on scroll animation...


$('.sign_in').click(function () {
    var $this = $(this), counter = 0;
    // IMPORTANT - This scrolls the page back to top if user clicks on '.sign_in' div - May need fixed as it flickers for some reason...    
    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: 0
    }, 350, function(){
        // IMPORTANT - If/Else statement changes text on '.sign_in' div
        if ($this.text().toUpperCase().trim() == 'REGISTER') {
            // IMPORTANT - This autofocuses on form element for 'Register' form
        } else {
            // IMPORTANT - This autofocuses on form element for 'Login' form
    }); // NOTE: Set second number to '0' to eliminate flicker - however, doing this also eliminates scroll animation speed...
    // IMPORTANT - This flips the form if user clicks on '.sign_in' div
    // return false; // NOTE: Having 'return false;' stated here allows for smooth scrolling without flicker but disables the rest of the functions...
    // return false; // NOTE: Having 'return false;' stated here allows all functions to run but causes flicker on scroll animation...
