
How can I calculate the number of years between two dates?

本文关键字:之间 日期 何计算 计算 两个      更新时间:2023-09-26



var birthday = value;//format 01/02/1900
var dateParts = birthday.split("/");
var checkindate = new Date(dateParts[2], dateParts[0] - 1, dateParts[1]);   
var now = new Date();
var difference = now - checkindate;
var days = difference / (1000*60*60*24);
var thisyear = new Date().getFullYear();
var birthyear = dateParts[2];
    var number_of_long_years = 0;
for(var y=birthyear; y <= thisyear; y++){   
    if( (y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 == 0) || y % 400 == 0 ) {


var years = ((days)*(thisyear-birthyear))
            /((number_of_long_years*366) + ((thisyear-birthyear-number_of_long_years)*365) );



 function calculateAge(birthday) { // birthday is a date
   var ageDifMs = Date.now() - birthday;
   var ageDate = new Date(ageDifMs); // miliseconds from epoch
   return Math.abs(ageDate.getUTCFullYear() - 1970);



使用纯javascript Date(),我们可以像下面这样计算年数

document.getElementById('getYearsBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
  var enteredDate = document.getElementById('sampleDate').value;
  // Below one is the single line logic to calculate the no. of years...
  var years = new Date(new Date() - new Date(enteredDate)).getFullYear() - 1970;
<input type="text" id="sampleDate" value="1980/01/01">
<div>Format: yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy/mm/dd</div><br>
<button id="getYearsBtn">Calculate Years</button>


function dateDiffInYears(dateold, datenew) {
    var ynew = datenew.getFullYear();
    var mnew = datenew.getMonth();
    var dnew = datenew.getDate();
    var yold = dateold.getFullYear();
    var mold = dateold.getMonth();
    var dold = dateold.getDate();
    var diff = ynew - yold;
    if (mold > mnew) diff--;
    else {
        if (mold == mnew) {
            if (dold > dnew) diff--;
    return diff;


我将其命名为gregorianAge(),因为这个计算准确地给出了我们如何使用公历表示年龄。即,如果month and day在出生年份的月份和日期之前,则不计算结束年份。

 * Calculates human age in years given a birth day. Optionally ageAtDate
 * can be provided to calculate age at a specific date
 * @param string|Date Object birthDate
 * @param string|Date Object ageAtDate optional
 * @returns integer Age between birthday and a given date or today
gregorianAge = function(birthDate, ageAtDate) {
  // convert birthDate to date object if already not
  if (Object.prototype.toString.call(birthDate) !== '[object Date]')
    birthDate = new Date(birthDate);
  // use today's date if ageAtDate is not provided
  if (typeof ageAtDate == "undefined")
    ageAtDate = new Date();
  // convert ageAtDate to date object if already not
  else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(ageAtDate) !== '[object Date]')
    ageAtDate = new Date(ageAtDate);
  // if conversion to date object fails return null
  if (ageAtDate == null || birthDate == null)
    return null;
  var _m = ageAtDate.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();
  // answer: ageAt year minus birth year less one (1) if month and day of
  // ageAt year is before month and day of birth year
  return (ageAtDate.getFullYear()) - birthDate.getFullYear()
    - ((_m < 0 || (_m === 0 && ageAtDate.getDate() < birthDate.getDate()))?1:0)
<input type="text" id="birthDate" value="12 February 1982">
<div style="font-size: small; color: grey">Enter a date in an acceptable format e.g. 10 Dec 2001</div><br>
<button onClick='js:alert(gregorianAge(document.getElementById("birthDate").value))'>What's my age?</button>


function calculateAge(birthMonth, birthDay, birthYear) {
    var currentDate = new Date();
    var currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear();
    var currentMonth = currentDate.getMonth();
    var currentDay = currentDate.getDate(); 
    var calculatedAge = currentYear - birthYear;
    if (currentMonth < birthMonth - 1) {
    if (birthMonth - 1 == currentMonth && currentDay < birthDay) {
    return calculatedAge;
var age = calculateAge(12, 8, 1993);


const getAge = (dateOfBirth, dateToCalculate = new Date()) => {
    const dob = new Date(dateOfBirth).getTime();
    const dateToCompare = new Date(dateToCalculate).getTime();
    const age = (dateToCompare - dob) / (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
    return Math.floor(age);
let currentTime = new Date().getTime();
let birthDateTime= new Date(birthDate).getTime();
let difference = (currentTime - birthDateTime)
var ageInYears=difference/(1000*60*60*24*365)


var moment = require('moment');
var startDate = new Date();
var endDate = new Date();
endDate.setDate(endDate.getFullYear() + 5); // Add 5 years to second date
console.log(moment.duration(endDate - startDate).years()); // This should returns 5
getYears(date1, date2) {
let years = new Date(date1).getFullYear() - new Date(date2).getFullYear();
let month = new Date(date1).getMonth() - new Date(date2).getMonth();
let dateDiff = new Date(date1).getDay() - new Date(date2).getDay();
if (dateDiff < 0) {
    month -= 1;
if (month < 0) {
    years -= 1;
return years;
for(var y=birthyear; y <= thisyear; y++){ 
if( (y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 == 0) || y % 400 == 0 ) { 
 days = days-366;
} else {


function getYearDiff(startDate, endDate) {
    let yearDiff = endDate.getFullYear() - startDate.getFullYear();
    if (startDate.getMonth() > endDate.getMonth()) {
    } else if (startDate.getMonth() === endDate.getMonth()) {
        if (startDate.getDate() > endDate.getDate()) {
        } else if (startDate.getDate() === endDate.getDate()) {
            if (startDate.getHours() > endDate.getHours()) {
            } else if (startDate.getHours() === endDate.getHours()) {
                if (startDate.getMinutes() > endDate.getMinutes()) {
    return yearDiff;
alert(getYearDiff(firstDate, secondDate));
getAge(month, day, year) {
    let yearNow = new Date().getFullYear();
    let monthNow = new Date().getMonth() + 1;
    let dayNow = new Date().getDate();
    if (monthNow === month && dayNow < day || monthNow < month) {
      return yearNow - year - 1;
    } else {
      return yearNow - year;


 * Convert date of birth into age
 * param {string} dateOfBirth - date of birth
 * param {string} dateToCalculate  -  date to compare
 * returns {number} - age
function getAge(dateOfBirth, dateToCalculate) {
    const dob = moment(dateOfBirth);
    return moment(dateToCalculate).diff(dob, 'years');




oldDate= 1 July 2020, 
newDate= 1 June 2022, 
years =2020 -2022 =2


oldDate = 1 July, 2022


在这个例子中,由于旧日期July 2022大于June 2022,那么它意味着整整一年还没有过去(从2021年7月到2022年6月),因此年份计数比1大。因此应减少1。从2020年7月到2022年6月的实际年份是1年,…个月。

如果最后一年是完整的一年,那么*date.getFullYear()*的年计数是正确的,并且从当前旧日期到新日期所经过的时间作为余数计算。旧日期= 2020年4月1日,新日期= 2022年6月1日,计算年份=2后,旧日期设置为2022年4月。例如:从2020年4月到2022年6月,已经过去了2年,剩下的时间是2022年4月到2022年6月。


let getYearsAndRemainder = (newDate, oldDate) => {
    let remainder = 0;
    // get initial years between dates
    let years = newDate.getFullYear() - oldDate.getFullYear();
    if (years < 0) {// check to make sure the oldDate is the older of the two dates
        console.warn('new date is lesser than old date in year difference')
        years = 0;
    } else {
        // set the old date to the same year as new date
            // check if the old date is less than new date in the same year
        if (oldDate - newDate > 0) {
            //if true, the old date is greater than the new date
            // the last but one year between the two dates is  not up to a year
            if (years != 0) {// dates given in inputs are in the same year, no need to calculate years if the number of years is 0
                console.log('Subtracting year');
                //set the old year to the previous year 
                oldDate.setFullYear(oldDate.getFullYear() - 1);
    //calculate the time difference between the old year and newDate.
    remainder = newDate - oldDate;
    if (remainder < 0) { //check for negative dates due to wrong inputs
        console.warn('old date is greater than new Date');
        console.log('new date', newDate, 'old date', oldDate);
    return { years, remainder };
let old = new Date('2020-07-01');
console.log( getYearsAndRemainder(new Date(), old));



function checkYearsDifference(birthDayDate){
    var todayDate = new Date();
    var thisMonth = todayDate.getMonth();
    var thisYear = todayDate.getFullYear();
    var thisDay = todayDate.getDate();
    var monthBirthday = birthDayDate.getMonth(); 
    var yearBirthday = birthDayDate.getFullYear();
    var dayBirthday = birthDayDate.getDate();
    //first just make the difference between years
    var yearDifference = thisYear - yearBirthday;
    //then check months
    if (thisMonth == monthBirthday){
      //if months are the same then check days
      if (thisDay<dayBirthday){
        //if today day is before birthday day
        //then I have to remove 1 year
        //(no birthday yet)
        yearDifference = yearDifference -1;
      //if not no action because year difference is ok
    else {
      if (thisMonth < monthBirthday) {
        //if actual month is before birthday one
        //then I have to remove 1 year
        yearDifference = yearDifference -1;
      //if not no action because year difference is ok
    return yearDifference;


function floatYearDiff(olddate, newdate) {
  var new_y = newdate.getFullYear();
  var old_y = olddate.getFullYear();
  var diff_y = new_y - old_y;
  var start_year = new Date(olddate);
  var end_year = new Date(olddate);
  if (start_year > newdate) {
  var diff = diff_y + (newdate - start_year)/(end_year - start_year);
  return diff;



const getYears = (from = 2017) => {
  const diff = moment(new Date()).diff(new Date(`01/01/${from}`), 'years') ;
  return [...Array(diff >= 0 ? diff + 1 : 0).keys()].map((num) => {
    return from + num;
<script src="https://momentjs.com/downloads/moment.js"></script>

function dateDiffYearsOnly( dateNew,dateOld) {
   function date2ymd(d){ w=new Date(d);return [w.getFullYear(),w.getMonth(),w.getDate()]}
   function ymd2N(y){return (((y[0]<<4)+y[1])<<5)+y[2]} // or 60 and 60 // or 13 and 32 // or 25 and 40 //// with ...
   function date2N(d){ return ymd2N(date2ymd(d))}
   return  (date2N(dateNew)-date2N(dateOld))>>9

dateDiffYearsOnly(Date.now(),new Date(Date.now()-7*366*24*3600*1000));
dateDiffYearsOnly(Date.now(),new Date(Date.now()-7*365*24*3600*1000))


function age(birthday) {
    let now = new Date();
    let year = now.getFullYear();
    let years = year - birthday.getFullYear();
    birthday = new Date(birthday.getTime()); // clone
    return now >= birthday ? years : years - 1;





        const today = new Date()
        const todaysMonth: number = today.getMonth() + 1
        const todaysDay: number = today.getDate()
        let birthDate = date.extractDate(member.birthDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
        const birthMonth: number = birthDate.getMonth() + 1
        const birthDay: number = birthDate.getDate()
        if (birthMonth > todaysMonth) {
          birthDate = date.addToDate(birthDate, { years: 1 })
        if (birthMonth === todaysMonth && birthDay < todaysDay) {
          birthDate = date.addToDate(birthDate, { years: 1 })
        return age = date.getDateDiff(today, birthDate, 'years')

使用date-fns (momentJS现在是一个旧包):

我假设格式是01/02/1900 =日/月/年

differenceInYears( new Date(),parse('01/02/1900','dd/MM/yyyy', new Date()) 


function getUserAgeInFullYears(dateOfBirth: Date, comparisonDate = new Date()) {
  const yearsDifference = comparisonDate.getFullYear() - dateOfBirth.getFullYear();
  const monthsDifference = comparisonDate.getMonth() - dateOfBirth.getMonth();
  const daysDifference = comparisonDate.getDate() - dateOfBirth.getDate();
  const doNotSubtractOne = monthsDifference > 0 || (monthsDifference === 0 && daysDifference >= 0);
  return doNotSubtractOne ? yearsDifference : yearsDifference - 1;

对于纯JS而不是TS,只需从dateOfBirth: Date中删除: Date



     $("[id$=btnSubmit]").click(function () {
        var SDate = $("[id$=txtStartDate]").val().split('-');
        var Smonth = SDate[0];
        var Sday = SDate[1];
        var Syear = SDate[2];
        // alert(Syear); alert(Sday); alert(Smonth);
        var EDate = $("[id$=txtEndDate]").val().split('-');
        var Emonth = EDate[0];
        var Eday = EDate[1];
        var Eyear = EDate[2];
        var y = parseInt(Eyear) - parseInt(Syear);
        var m, d;
        if ((parseInt(Emonth) - parseInt(Smonth)) > 0) {
            m = parseInt(Emonth) - parseInt(Smonth);
        else {
            m = parseInt(Emonth) + 12 - parseInt(Smonth);
            y = y - 1;
        if ((parseInt(Eday) - parseInt(Sday)) > 0) {
            d = parseInt(Eday) - parseInt(Sday);
        else {
            d = parseInt(Eday) + 30 - parseInt(Sday);
            m = m - 1;
        // alert(y + " " + m + " " + d);
        $("[id$=lblAge]").text("your age is " + y + "years  " + m + "month  " + d + "days");
        return false;