
Manipulating array data to actually save, write, and change the data content

本文关键字:数据 保存 数组 操作数 操作      更新时间:2023-09-26



//filter to get a specific $scope.campaigns using its id
.filter('getById', function() {
  return function(input, id) {
    var i=0, len=input.length;
    // alert(input.length);
    for (; i<len; i++) {
      if (+input[i].id === +id) {
        return input[i];
    return input[0];
.controller('AdminCtrl', ['$scope', '$filter', function($scope, $filter) {
    //<--ARRAY OF DATA with multiple attributes<--
    $scope.campaigns = [
    { name:'', description'', etc... etc...},
    {...Lots of Data...},
    {...Lots of Data...},
    {...Lots of Data...},
    {...Lots of Data...},
    $scope.selectCampaign = function(object) {
        $scope.selectedCampaign = object;
    $scope.submitTheForm = function(item, event) {
        if (confirm("Are you sure you want to edit?") == true) {
            alert("--> Submitting form");
            var dataObject = {
                name : $scope.selectedCampaign.name, description: $scope.selectedCampaign.description, type: $scope.selectedCampaign.type, imgSrc:  $scope.selectedCampaign.imgSrc, brand:  $scope.selectedCampaign.brand, region:  $scope.selectedCampaign.region, location:  $scope.selectedCampaign.location, contact:  $scope.selectedCampaign.contact, url:  $scope.selectedCampaign.url, id: $scope.selectedCampaign.id
             var campaign = $scope.selectedCampaign;
             var id = campaign.id;
             var found = $filter('getById')($scope.campaigns, id);

             // setTimeout(function(){ $scope.$apply($scope.selectedCampaign = dataObject); });


  <div class="row modalDetail">
    <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 detailLeft text-left">
      <div class="middle-allign">
        <h1 class="detailName">
          <input type="text" ng-model="selectedCampaign.name" name="name">
        <div class="detailDescription">
          <textarea rows="5" cols="71" name="description" ng-model="selectedCampaign.description"></textarea>
        <table class="detailTable table">
              <td class="bolder">Brand</td>
                <input type="text" ng-model="selectedCampaign.brand" name="brand" >
              <td class="bolder">Campaign Type</td>
                <input type="text" ng-model="selectedCampaign.type" name="type">
              <td class="bolder">Region</td>
                <input type="text" ng-model="selectedCampaign.region" name="region">
              <td class="bolder">Contact</td>
                <input type="text" ng-model="selectedCampaign.contact" name="contact">
              <td class="bolder">Location</td>
                <input type="text" ng-model="selectedCampaign.location" name="location">
              <td class="bolder">URL</td>
                <input type="text" ng-model="selectedCampaign.url" name="url">
        <div class="detailCta">
          <button class="btn detailButton" ng-click="submitTheForm()">Submit Campaign</button>


我觉得它就像$scope.campaign .push(campaign);只不过不是'push'而是'update'或' overwrite '


如果您想将数据存储在当前脚本中(它将持续到页面在浏览器中刷新 - F5),您应该做一些更改:

.controller('AdminCtrl', ['$scope', '$filter', '$rootScope', function($scope, $filter, $rootScope) {
    //<--ARRAY OF DATA with multiple attributes<--
    if ($rootScope.campaigns === undefined) {
        $rootScope.campaigns = [
            { name:'', description'', etc... etc...},
            {...Lots of Data...},
            {...Lots of Data...},
            {...Lots of Data...},
            {...Lots of Data...},
    $scope.campaigns = $rootScope.campaigns;
    //don't even think this above line is needed, since $scope inherits from $rootScope, but I've put it for clarity.
    $scope.selectCampaign = function(object) {
        $scope.selectedCampaign = object;
    $scope.submitTheForm = function(item, event) {
        if (confirm("Are you sure you want to edit?") == true) {
            alert("--> Submitting form");
            var dataObject = {
                name : $scope.selectedCampaign.name, description:     $scope.selectedCampaign.description, type: $scope.selectedCampaign.type, imgSrc:      $scope.selectedCampaign.imgSrc, brand:  $scope.selectedCampaign.brand, region:      $scope.selectedCampaign.region, location:  $scope.selectedCampaign.location, contact:      $scope.selectedCampaign.contact, url:  $scope.selectedCampaign.url, id:     $scope.selectedCampaign.id
             var campaign = $scope.selectedCampaign;
             var id = campaign.id;
             var found = $filter('getById')($scope.campaigns, id);

注意我是如何将它绑定到$rootScope的。广告-所以如果你导航到另一个n -view然后再回来,数据仍然在这里。
