
On initial select change, jquery does not update/render html in the view

本文关键字:更新 视图 html 选择 jquery      更新时间:2023-09-26


<div id="ClientSection">
    @Html.Label("clientId", "Client")
    @Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.PrimaryClient, Enumerable.Empty<SelectListItem>(), 
                          "Choose Client", new {id = "clientId"})
<table id="clientLocationsTable">
            <th>Zip Code</th>
            <th>Phone #</th>


@section scripts
    $(document).ready(function () {
        // populate main client dropdown
        $(function() {
            $.getJSON("/api/client/getclients/", function(data) {
                $.each(data, function (index, clientObj) {
                        $("<option/>").attr("value", clientObj.Id)
        // create new array
        var otherClientLocations = new Array();
        $("#clientId").change(function () {
            // clear table body
            $("#clientLocationsTable > tbody").empty();
            // create new array
            var clientList = new Array();
            // set the id
            var primaryId = $("#clientId").val();
            $.getJSON("/api/client/getclientotherlocations/" + primaryId, function (data) {
                    // populate otherClientLocations Array
                    $.each(data, function(key, val) {
                    otherClientLocations = clientList;

            // create rows if needed
                    if(otherClientLocations.length > 0) {
                        $.each(otherClientLocations, function(key, val) {
                            $("#clientLocationsTable tbody")
                                .append("<tr><td>" + val.CompanyRegion +
                                    "</td><td>" + val.CompanyLocationCode + "</td>"
                            + "<td>" + val.CompanyAddress + "</td>" + "<td>" +
                            val.CompanySuite + "</td><td>" + val.CompanyCity +
                            "</td><td>" + val.CompanyState + "</td><td>" +
                             val.CompanyZipCode + "</td><td>" + val.CompanyPhoneNumber 
                            + "</td><td>" + val.CompanyEmail + "</td><td>" +
                             val.CompanyContactFn + " " + val.CompanyContactLn +
                             "</td>" + "</tr>");



$(document).ready(function () {
    // populate main client dropdown
    $(function() {
        $.getJSON("/api/client/getclients/", function(data) {
            $.each(data, function (index, clientObj) {
                    $("<option/>").attr("value", clientObj.Id)
    // create new array
    var otherClientLocations = new Array();
    $("#clientId").change(function () {
        // clear table body
        $("#clientLocationsTable > tbody").empty();
        // create new array
        var clientList = new Array();
        // set the id
        var primaryId = $("#clientId").val();
        $.getJSON("/api/client/getclientotherlocations/" + primaryId, function (data) {
            // populate otherClientLocations Array
            $.each(data, function(key, val) {
            otherClientLocations = clientList;
            // create rows if needed (the section below has now been moved inside the callback
            if(otherClientLocations.length > 0) {
                $.each(otherClientLocations, function(key, val) {
                    $("#clientLocationsTable tbody")
                        .append("<tr><td>" + val.CompanyRegion +
                            "</td><td>" + val.CompanyLocationCode + "</td>"
                    + "<td>" + val.CompanyAddress + "</td>" + "<td>" +
                    val.CompanySuite + "</td><td>" + val.CompanyCity +
                    "</td><td>" + val.CompanyState + "</td><td>" +
                     val.CompanyZipCode + "</td><td>" + val.CompanyPhoneNumber 
                    + "</td><td>" + val.CompanyEmail + "</td><td>" +
                     val.CompanyContactFn + " " + val.CompanyContactLn +
                     "</td>" + "</tr>");


$.getJSON("/api/client/getclientotherlocations/" + primaryId, function (data) {
  // update array AFTER request is complete
// update dom based on value of array while request is still in progress


$.getJSON("/api/client/getclientotherlocations/" + primaryId, function (data) {
  // update array AFTER request is complete
  // then update dom based on new version of array