
Angular Updating scope variables after returning from a promise

本文关键字:作用域 变量 更新 承诺 返回      更新时间:2023-09-26


$scope.selector = {}; //property added from a child scope
     //some factory calls and assignment to properties
  //scope variable assignments off of the responses object.
  //some assignment that uses the selector. a[selector.id] ex.
  }, function(err){
      //some setting of load params
  //Then I need to update those variables set in the then based on whether or not the selector id was changed in the directive template. 


$scope.selector = {}; //property added from a child scope
$scope.responses = {};
   //some factory calls and assignment to properties
   //scope variable assignments off of the responses object.
   //some assignment that uses the selector. a[selector.id] ex.
   $scope.responses = responses;
}, function(err){
  //some setting of load params
// Use something like $watch here and have it call a function
