
Search and Bubble Sort Array in Javascript

本文关键字:冒泡排序 数组 搜索 Javascript      更新时间:2023-09-26




Loop over all elements in list.
    If current element equals value, store as index.
If value not found, ensure index is -1.


Prompt the user once for an element (an integer from 0 to 100) to search for.
Call your search function with the number to search for and the list.
Display whether the number was found, and if found, a location where it can be found within the list.

第2部分:排序您要实现一个函数,该函数按升序(0,1,…(对列表进行排序。您不允许使用JavaScript的sort((方法。有很多方法可以对列表进行排序,您可以实现任何您认为合适的方法,只要它按升序排序即可。下面介绍了Bubble Sort,这是最直接的排序方法之一。


Set n to size of list - 1.
Set swap to FALSE.
Loop over element 0 through element n in the list.
    If current element > next element
        Swap current element and next element.
        Set swap to TRUE.
If swap is TRUE, repeat from step 2. n -= 1.
If swap is FALSE, return the now sorted list.
Gradually sorts a list.


Call your sort function for your list. You are not permitted to call Javascript's sort() method.
Display the (sorted) list.


function search(array, value)
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
        if (array[i] === value)
            return i;
    return -1;

对于Bubble Sort的实现,请阅读本文。


function search(array, value)
    return array.indexOf(value);