Google Apps Script在body中查找url并将其格式化为超链接

Google Apps Script to find URLs in body and format them as hyperlinks

本文关键字:格式化 超链接 url 查找 Script Apps body Google      更新时间:2023-09-26


Username: [user] 
Password: [pass] 
iPython: http://ip/ 
RStudio: http://ip:8787/



在研究了将文本粘贴到Google Docs中的方法之后,我认为没有比Google Apps脚本更简单的解决方案了,它可以简单地找到与URL匹配的模式,并将它们变成超链接。


function updateLinks() {
  // Open active doc
  var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
  // Find URLs
  var link = body.findText("http:'/'/.*'/");
  // Loop through
  while (link != null) {
    // Get the link as an object
    var foundLink = link.getElement().asText();
    // Get the positions of start and end
    var start = link.getStartOffset();
    var end =link.getEndOffsetInclusive();
    // Format link
    foundLink.setLinkUrl(start, end, foundLink);
    // Find next
    link = body.findText("http:'/'/.*'/", link);



(Javascript新手,一直在使用这样的练习来学习它和Google Apps Script)

Update: a-change的注释让我注意到文本元素的getText()方法,因此相关行变为foundLink.setLinkUrl(start, end, foundLink.getText());。然而,这仍然不完全工作,并插入指向about:blank的链接。


看得更详细。如果你记录foundLink.getText()的值,你会看到它实际上包含了在那一行找到的所有字符串,即RStudio: http://ip:8787/,而不仅仅是http://ip:8787/。这可能是因为link.getElement()返回包含找到的文本的范围的整个元素。



 function updateLinks() {
  // Open active doc
  var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
  // Find URLs
  var link = body.findText("http:'/'/.*'/");
  // Loop through
  while (link != null) {
    // Get the link as an object
    var foundLink = link.getElement().asText();
    // Get the positions of start and end
    var start = link.getStartOffset();
    var end = link.getEndOffsetInclusive();
    //check the value of foundLink if needed
    //slice only the link out of it
    var correctLink = foundLink.getText().slice(start, end);
    // Format link
    foundLink.setLinkUrl(start, end, correctLink);
    // Find next
    link = body.findText("http:'/'/.*'/", link);

我在上面和其他地方尝试了其他正则表达式示例,并且在再现结果时遇到了麻烦-我怀疑是由于Google Apps Script不是完整的JS。


function makeLinks() {
  var linkRegex = "https?:'/'/[^''s]*";
  // Open active doc
  var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
  // Find URLs
  var link = body.findText(linkRegex);
  // Loop through the body finding texts matching the search pattern
  while (link != null) {
    // Get the link as an object
    var linkElement = link.getElement().asText();
    // Get the positions of start and end
    var start = link.getStartOffset();
    var end = link.getEndOffsetInclusive();
    //slice only the link out of it
    var correctLink = linkElement.getText().slice(start, end);
//    Logger.log("correctLink " + correctLink);
    // Format link
    linkElement.setLinkUrl(start, end, correctLink);
    // Find next
    link = body.findText(linkRegex, link);
