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我希望下一个按钮也一样"act on this message"



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                    <h2>Lorem ipsum<br />
                    dolor sit amet</h2>
                <p>Tortor faucibus ullamcorper nec tempus purus sed penatibus. Lacinia pellentesque eleifend vitae est elit tristique velit tempus etiam.</p>
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                    <h2>Mollis posuere<br />
                    lectus lacus</h2>
                <p>Rhoncus mattis egestas sed fusce sodales rutrum et etiam ullamcorper. Etiam egestas scelerisque ac duis magna lorem ipsum dolor.</p>
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                <h2>Magnis parturient</h2>
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                placerat cubilia purus lectus.</p>
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