
i am not able to submit the form

本文关键字:表格 提交      更新时间:2023-09-26


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<%@ page session="false"%>
<style type="text/css">
.form-2 {
    /* Size & position */
    width: 300px;
    margin: 60px auto 30px;
    padding: 10px;
    position: relative; /* For the submit button positioning */
    /* Styles */
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    border-radius: 5px;
    background: linear-gradient(#eeefef, #ffffff 10%);
.form-2 h1 .log-in,.form-2 h1 .sign-up {
    display: inline-blue;
    text-transform: inherit;
.form-2 h1 .log-in {
    color: blue;
    padding-right: 2px;
.form-2 h1 .sign-up {
    color: #ffb347;
    padding-left: 2px;
.form-2 .float {
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    font-size: 11px;
.form-2 label i {
    margin-right: 5px; /* Gap between icon and text */
    display: inline-block;
    width: 10px;
.form-2 input[type=text],
.form-2 input[type=password] {
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    font-weight: 400;
    display: block;
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.form-2 input[type=password]:hover {
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.form-2 label:hover ~ input {
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.form-2 input[type=password]:focus {
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.form-2 input[type=submit],
.form-2 .log-twitter {
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    position: relative;
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.form-2 input[type=submit] {
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    color: #996319;
    text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.3);
.form-2 .log-twitter {
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.form-2 .log-twitter:hover {
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.form-2 input[type=submit]:active,
.form-2 .log-twitter:active{
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.no-boxshadow .form-2 input[type=submit]:hover {
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.no-boxshadow .form-2 .log-twitter:hover {
    background: #2a8ac4;
<script type="text/javascript">
function login(){
    <form class="form-2" >
    <table width="100%">
                <td align="center" colspan="2" width="100%"><b>  <h1> <span class="log-in">Login</span></h1></b></td>
                <td align="center" colspan="2" width="100%"></td>
            <tr class="float">
                <td align="right" class="icon-user" width="50%"><label for="login"><i class="icon-user"></i>Username</label> </td>
                <td align="left" class="field" width="50%"><input type="text" name="login" placeholder="Username "></td>
            <tr class="float">
                <td align="right" class="icon-lock" width="50%"><label for="password"><i class="icon-lock"></i>Password</label></td>
                <td align="left" class="field" width="50%"><input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password" class="showpassword"> </td>
                <td align="right" colspan="2" width="50%"><input type="button"
                    name="CreateContact" value="Login" onclick="login()"/><i class="icon-user"></i></td>


Error: TypeError: login is not a function


try this

<form class="form-2" action="login" method="post" >

<input type="submit" name="CreateContact" value="Login" />



必须用name login或function name重命名字段。与同名函数冲突


<td align="right" class="icon-user" width="50%"><label for="login1"><i class="icon-user"></i>Username</label> </td>
                <td align="left" class="field" width="50%"><input type="text" name="login1" placeholder="Username "></td>


document.getElementById("idOfButton").onclick = dologin;

