
AngularJS contact form app merge with the current app.js

本文关键字:app js 合并 联系人 表单 AngularJS      更新时间:2023-09-26

这是我当前的angular app.js,我希望它能与website.js一起工作。

    'use strict';
// angular.js main app initialization
var app = angular.module('kaidoweb', []).
    config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
        when('/', {
         templateUrl: 'pages/index.html',
         activetab: 'index',
         controller: HomeCtrl 
       /* when('/mainpage/:mainpageId', {
          templateUrl: function (params) { return 'pages/' + params.mainpageId + '.html'; },
          controller: ProjectCtrl,
          activetab: 'mainpage'
        when('/works', {
          templateUrl: 'pages/works.html',
          controller: PrivacyCtrl,
          activetab: 'works'
        otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' });
    }]).run(['$rootScope', '$http', '$browser', '$timeout', "$route", function ($scope, $http, $browser, $timeout, $route) {
        $scope.$on("$routeChangeSuccess", function (scope, next, current) {
          $scope.part = $route.current.activetab;

        // save the 'Contact Us' form
        $ = function () {
          $scope.loaded = true;
          $scope.process = true;
          $'sendemail.php', $scope.message).success(function () {
              $scope.success = true;
              $scope.process = false;
app.config(['$locationProvider', function($location) {


    // creating Angular Module
  var websiteApp = angular.module('websiteApp', []);
  // create angular controller and pass in $scope and $http
  websiteApp.controller('FormController',function($scope, $http) {
  // creating a blank object to hold our form information.
  //$scope will allow this to pass between controller and view
  $scope.formData = {};
  // submission message doesn't show when page loads
  $scope.submission = false;
  // Updated code thanks to Yotam
  var param = function(data) {
        var returnString = '';
        for (d in data){
            if (data.hasOwnProperty(d))
               returnString += d + '=' + data[d] + '&';
        // Remove last ampersand and return
        return returnString.slice( 0, returnString.length - 1 );
  $scope.submitForm = function() {
    method : 'POST',
    url : 'process.php',
    data : param($scope.formData), // pass in data as strings
    headers : { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } // set the headers so angular passing info as form data (not request payload)
    .success(function(data) {
      if (!data.success) {
       // if not successful, bind errors to error variables
       $scope.errorName =;
       $scope.errorEmail =;
       $scope.errorTextarea = data.errors.message;
       $scope.submissionMessage = data.messageError;
       $scope.submission = true; //shows the error message
      } else {
      // if successful, bind success message to message
       $scope.submissionMessage = data.messageSuccess;
       $scope.formData = {}; // form fields are emptied with this line
       $scope.submission = true; //shows the success message

我已经使用了<html ng-app="kaidoweb">,它不允许我使用另一个ng-app。我试过它独立,它似乎工作,但我不能得到它与当前的应用程序的工作。



var app = angular.module('kaidoweb', []);


另外,我不认为你需要使用注释//save the 'Contact Us' form中的代码,因为你要用教程中的函数替换这个函数。

