
how to add an image to this javascript instead of text for my trival quiz

本文关键字:我的 文本 javascript 图像 添加      更新时间:2023-09-26

我在我的网站上有这个测试,我想知道不管怎样,你可以选择一张图片来代替文字答案,真的希望我的多选题答案是在图像的形式,而不是!请帮助! !

$(document).ready(function () {
    $(".reset").click(function() {
    function trivia() {
        var scoreAry = [];
        var questions = [{
            q: "What is the name of the Paranoid Android in Douglas Adams’ ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’?",
            s: ["Andy", "Bob", "Susan", "Marvin"],
            a: "Marvin",
            correct: 0
        }, {
            q: "In Monopoly, the green set consists of Pacific Avenue, North Carolina Avenue and which other?",
            s: ["Oxford Street", "Pennsylvania Avenue", "Park Place", "New York Avenue"],
            a: "Pennsylvania Avenue",
            correct: 0
        }, {
            q: "Who created Snoopy?",
   s: ["George Herriman", "Charles M. Schulz", "Jim Davis", " Garry Trudeau"],
            a: "Charles M. Schulz",
            correct: 0
        }, {
            q: "What was the name of the tallest Warner brother in Animaniacs?",
            s: ["Dot", "Yakko", "Wacko", "Pinky"],
            a: "Yakko",
            correct: 0
        }, {
            q: "After how many years would you celebrate your crystal anniversary?",
            s: ["5", "10", "15", "20"],
            a: "15",
            correct: 0
        }, {
            q: "Which sign of the zodiac would you be if your birthday was on October 18?",
            s: ["Virgo", "Cancer", "Libra", "Pices"],
            a: "Libra",
            correct: 0
        }, {
            q: "Which birthstone is associated with the month of May?",
            s: ["Diamond", "Peridot", "Sapphire", "Emerald"],
            a: "Emerald",
            correct: 0
        }, {
            q: "What is the capital city of Afghanistan?",
            s: ["Istanbul", "Constantinople", "Kabul", "Ghazni"],
            a: "Kabul",
            correct: 0
        }, {
            q: "In which country is Mount Everest?",
            s: ["The Himalayas", "Nepal", "Tibet", "India"],
            a: "Nepal",
            correct: 0
        }, {
            q: "What is the abbreviation for Potassium in the Periodic Table of Elements?",
            s: ["Po", "Pa", "K", "Ps"],
            a: "K",
            correct: 0
        var counter = questions.length;
        //This grabs the question and answer data from the questions array and appends it to the #questions div:
        function createQuestion(questions) {
            for (var i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) {
                $("#questions").append('&lt;form id="' + i + '" class="center-text"><p>Question ' + (i + 1) + ' of ' + questions.length + '</p><h3 class="question">' + questions[i].q + '</h3>' + radioButtons(questions[i].s, i) + '&lt;button type="submit" class="next">NEXT &#8594;&lt;/button></p>&lt;/form>');
            //This hides all except the first question:
            for (var k = questions.length - 1; k > 0; k--) {
                $('#' + k).hide();
        //This grabs the answer choices from the questions array and returns them to createQuestion():
        function radioButtons(ary, qNum) {
            var answers = [];
            for (i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
                answers.push('&lt;label>&lt;input type="radio" name="' + qNum + '" value="' + ary[i] + '">' + ary[i] + '&lt;/label>');
            return answers.join(" ");
        //This sums the correct values in the questions array:
        function sumScore(questions) {
            return scoreAry.reduce(function (previousValue, currentValue, index, array) {
                return previousValue + currentValue;
        //This checks the user's answer and updates the score:
        function checkAnswer(answer, qNum, questions) {
            if (answer == questions[qNum].a) {
                questions[qNum].correct = 1;
            } else {
        $(".next").click(function (event) {
            event.preventDefault(); //This stops the form from submitting
            var qNum = $(this).closest("form").attr("id"); //This gives us the question number
            var userInput = $('input[name=' + qNum + ']:radio:checked').val(); //This grabs the user's selected answer
            if (counter > 1) {
                checkAnswer(userInput, qNum, questions);
                $("#" + qNum).hide();
                $("#" + qNum).next().show();
            } else if (counter == 1) {
                checkAnswer(userInput, qNum, questions);
                $("#questions").append('<p class="result"></p>');
                $(".result").text('You answered ' + sumScore(questions) + ' questions correctly out of 10.');
                   for (j = 0; j < scoreAry.length; j++) {
                        if (scoreAry[j] === 0) {
                            console.log(questions[j].q, questions[j].a);
                            var resultClass = "result-" + j;
                            $("#questions").append('<p class="' + resultClass + '">You missed: ' + questions[j].q + ' ' + questions[j].a + '</p>');
            } else {
                return false;
font-family: sans-serif;
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color: #fff;
font-weight: 700;
.next:active {
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.reset:active {
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<button name="reset" id="reset" class="reset">Reset</button>
<div id="wrapper">
<h1>Welcome to Trivia!</h1>
<button type="button" class="start" value="start">START</button>
<div id="questions">
    <script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js'></script>
        <script src="js/index.js"></script>


            q: "In Monopoly, the green set consists of Pacific Avenue, North Carolina Avenue and which other?",
            s: ["Oxford Street", "Pennsylvania Avenue", "Park Place", "New York Avenue"] // add umage urls instead of text and,
            a: "Pennsylvania Avenue",
            correct: 0

function radioButtons(ary, qNum) {
            var answers = [];
            for (i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
                answers.push('&lt;label>&lt;input type="radio" name="' + qNum + '" value="' + ary[i] + '"><img src="'+// pass url here//+'"/>' + ary[i] + '&lt;/label>');
            return answers.join(" ");

如果你想要url和name,那么你可以传递{name:"Oxford Street",url:'some url'},而不是传递"Oxford Street"。