
JavaScript Recursive Node Equivalence Function Not Working

本文关键字:函数 不起作用 递归 节点 JavaScript      更新时间:2023-09-26

我在Chrome开发工具中测试以下代码,即使两个节点不相等,它也会返回true。示例节点如下所示。只有Div1 &div是相等的。我很有信心,我递归地触摸所有节点,但我认为我没有正确地设置变量与'if',或者也许我需要一个其他地方-我有点失落,并尝试了一堆东西。

var htmlStrings = [
    '<div id="one">Some<span>node <em>contents</em> for</span>comparison</div>',
    '<div id="two">Some<span>node contents for</span>comparison</div>',
    '<div id="one">Some<span>node <strong>contents</strong> for</span>comparison</div>',
    '<div id="four">Some<span>node <em>contents</em> for</span>comparison</div>'
var div1 = document.createElement('div');
div1.innerHTML = htmlStrings[0];
var div2 = document.createElement('div');
div2.innerHTML = htmlStrings[1];
var div3 = document.createElement('div');
div3.innerHTML = htmlStrings[2];
var div4 = document.createElement('div');
div4.innerHTML = htmlStrings[3];

function nodeEquivalence(node1, node2) {
    var passed = false;

        if (node1.nodeType === node2.nodeType) {
            if ((node1.tagName === node2.tagName || node1.nodeValue === node2.nodeValue)) {
               passed = true;
        node1 = node1.firstChild;
        node2 = node2.firstChild;
        while (node1 && node2) {
           nodeEquivalence(node1, node2);
            node1 = node1.nextSibling;
            node2 = node2.nextSibling;
        return passed;

console.log(nodeEquivalence(div1, div2));
console.log(nodeEquivalence(div1, div4));


function nodeEquivalence(node1, node2) {
    var ch1, ch2, nType;
    // OK to have both node1 and node2 not exist, but only if both are missing
    if (!node1 || !node2) {
        return node1 === node2;
    // must be same nodeType
    ntype = node1.nodeType;
    if (ntype !== node2.nodeType) {
        return false;
    // if there is a tagName, must be same tagName
    if (node1.tagName && node1.tagName !== node2.tagName) {
            return false;
    switch(ntype) {
        // nodes that have children
        case 1:   // element node
        case 9:   // document node
        case 11:  // document fragment node
            // check equivalence on each corresponding child
            ch1 = node1.firstChild;
            ch2 = node2.firstChild;
            while (ch1 && ch2) {
                if (!nodeEquivalence(ch1, ch2)) {
                    return false;
                ch1 = ch1.nextSibling;
                ch2 = ch2.nextSibling;
            return nodeEquivalence(ch1, ch2);
        // nodes whose content is nodeValue
        case 3:    // text node
        case 8:    // comment node
            return node1.nodeValue === node2.nodeValue;
        // other types of nodes
            throw new Error("unsupported type of node");



  1. 您试图在递归调用中使用单个局部变量。这行不通。
  2. 你没有在失败发生时立即停止比较。
  3. 即使tagName不存在,您的if (node1.tagName === node2.tagName)逻辑也会通过,因此您永远不会比较nodeValue
  4. 你的while循环将错过一个节点的子节点数多于另一个节点的情况。